전문 석재 크기 절단 타일 및 조리대 공장

볼라카스 대리석



볼라카스 대리석 타일

Step into a world of enduring elegance with Greek Volakas Marble Tile in Esta Stone Factory. This unique natural White and Grey Pattern natural Marble stone, synonymous with grace and versatility, offers a stunning blend of intricate veining and colour, all set within a resplendent white backdrop. Born from the Greek town of Volakas, it’s a most welcome natural white marble building stone that turns any interior into a work of art, drawing upon a rich history and the captivating charm of nature to redefine your spaces.

  1. 그리스 대리석 아이템: 볼라카스 화이트 대리석, 천연 화이트 대리석
  2. 대리석 바닥 및 벽 타일 크기: 305 x 305 x 10mm(12″ x 12″ x 3/8″), 305 x 610 x 10mm(12″ x 24″ x 3/8″), 400 x 400 x 10mm(16″ x 16″ x 3/8″), 457 x 457 x 12mm(18″ x 18″ x 3/8″),
  3. 두께: 10,18,20,30 mm
  4. 표면: 광택, 연마
  5. MOQ: 300 SQM
  6. 흰색 대리석 타일 공장: 에스타 스톤
  7. Application: Esta Stone’s High Quality White Marble Tiles For Interior and exterior decoration in construction projects / excellent indoor decoration materials, wall cladding projects.
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