Baltic Brown Granite Stone Floor Tiles For Hotel and Commercial Projects
Baltic Brown stone is a vibrant and oaky granite from Finland. It is a consistent, light brown color with a pattern composed of circular flecks that accompany bits of green and umber. It can be a very smart choice for homeowners who are looking for the right stone to accompany their wooden cabinets. Granite is one of the most durable natural stones and creates a scintillating ambiance inside any area of your residential or commercial property with Granite Stone Floor Tiles and Wall Cladding Pavers. It has a porous surface and is known for its hardness, durability, and classy reflect. It is popularly used as kitchen countertop, work surface, wall tiles, and floor tile.
Baltic brown granite is a dark black and brown spotted stone that offers an elegant and organic look. The spots can be eye-catching, but this granite type doesn’t make matching cabinetry easy. Did you ever wonder how the pros work with this demanding granite type? There are two main schools of thought when it comes to matching cabinetry with Baltic brown granite.
Granite Stone Floor Tiles are an elegant and practical choice for fireplaces, basements, hallways, foyers, and kitchen and bathroom floors or backsplashes. The Benefits of Granite Tile. Exceptional Durability and Resiliency of Baltic Brown Granite tile is tough and stain-resistant. Heat-Resistant: Tiles withstand high temperatures without sustaining damage.
Medžiaga: | Baltic Brown Granite |
Prekė: | Tiles, Cut-to-size, Slabs |
Popular tile size: | 305x305mm, 300x600mm, 305x610mm,400x400mm, 457x457mm, 400x800mm, 600x600mm, 900x900mm, 1200x500mm, 600x600mm, 900x900mm, 1200x500mm, 1200x600mm, or other size according to the customer request. |
Popular small (half) slab size: | 240up x 60cm/70cm/80cm 250up x 60cm/70cm/80cm 250up x 60cm/70cm/80cm 250up x 60cm/70cm/80cmOr other size according to the customer request |
Popular big slab size: | 240up x 120up cm, 240up x 130up cm 250up x 120up cm, 250up x 130up cm 260up x 140up cm, 260up x 150up cmOr other size according to the customer request |
Įprastas storis: | 1,0 cm, 1,5 cm, 1,8 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, 4 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm ir t. t. |
Baigta: | Poliruoti, šlifuoti, degti, kalti, smėliuoti, kalti ir t. t. |
Pakuotė: | tvirtomis fumiguotomis medinėmis dėžėmis, mediniais padėklais, mediniais ryšuliais ir t. t. |
Pavyzdžiai | NEMOKAMI MĖNESIAI bus pateikti, kai bus pateiktas prašymas |
Where in my home can I use Natural Stones?
Natural Stone can be used for Flooring, Kitchen Counter Tops, Vanity Tops, bathrooms, Patios, Walkways, Fire Places, Facades, Wall cladding, gardens, Landscaping, etc., practically on every surface, inside and outside of your house.
Kodėl virtuvės/baro stalviršiams pirmenybė teikiama granitui?
Granitas yra kiečiausias ir tankiausias iš visų natūralių akmenų. Pagrindiniai granito mineralai yra silikatai, feldšpatas ir kvarcas. Silikatai nelabai reaguoja į rūgščias medžiagas, pavyzdžiui, citriną (citrinos rūgštį), actą, alkoholį ir kt. Antrasis aspektas, į kurį reikia atkreipti dėmesį, yra tas, kad granitas yra labai patvarus ir atsparus įbrėžimams. Tai reiškia, kad virtuvės stalviršis nesunkiai susibraižys dėl didelio peilių ir indų judėjimo ant jo ir ilgiau išlaikys puikų blizgesį, palyginti su kitais akmenimis ar keraminėmis plytelėmis. Granite esantis feldšpatas mažiausiai sugeria vandens (0,02-0,04%). Tai neleidžia skysčiams prasiskverbti į stalviršius ir nudažyti medžiagą. Todėl granitas yra pirmenybė virtuvės ar baro stalviršiams.
It is often asked, "Why marbles can not be used for kitchen countertops?" The answer lies in the composition of marbles. Most marbles have high carbonate contents, which easily react with all acidic material.