Profesionāla akmens grieztā izmēra flīžu un Countertops fabrika

Eņģeļu kapu marķieri


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Eņģeļu kapu marķieri
Prece: Pelēks granīta eņģeļu kapa piemineklis
Materiāls: G603 Pelēks granīts
Izmērs: Var pielāgot
MOQ: 1 komplekts


G603 Grey Granite Angel Carving Gravestone

Angels engraved on headstones, angels etched onto headstones, or other angel carvings on headstones, are common sights in a graveyard or cemetery. In Angel Grave Markers, the position of the angel, or what is depicted alongside the angel, is what offers the most meaning to observers. For example: when the angel's right hand is pointed upward or holding the body of the deceased, this demonstrates a belief that angels are guiding the soul to heaven. When an angel is seen praying, this alludes to the religious devotion of the deceased. Angel designs for use on funeral monuments and headstones. There are angels with animals, angels with flowers, child-like angels, cherubs and beautiful adult angels with flowing gowns, and even angels with clouds.

These Angel Grave Markers shown in G603 Grey Granite are resting on a heart. This memorial can be customized by adding a ceramic photo or vases. Our carved angel monuments are very detailed granite headstone memorials. The top piece of this monument is carved out of a solid block of stone.

 Produkta nosaukums Angel sculpture Headstone
 Tips Tombstone
 Materiāls Granīts
Stils Mūsdienu
 Pieteikums Āra
SIZE According to the customers' drawings or photos
 Available Style Poland Style, French Style, German Style, American Style, Austria Style, Hungary Style, Slovenia Style, Australian Style, Asia
style, Russia Style, etc…
 Virsmas apdare polished, honed, natural split, the rough picked, chiseled, bush-hammered, machine pulled, sandblasted, natural cover, and so on.
 Dizains According to the customers' drawings or photos.
 Note The size, thickness, and finish can be decided by the customer’s design available in Floor tiles, countertops, slab, stairs and
tombstone etc.

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Contact us immediately with any changes that you require. Please note that any change to the order may result in an additional fee. The cost of the fee depends on the status of your order and may range up to the total cost of the order.

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