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Bianco Carrara Herringbone marmora mozaīka


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Bianco Carrara White Marmora Herringbone mozaīkas flīzes sienu bruģēšanai 

Bianco Carrara White Marble is elegant, like a light gray pattern rendered on white rice paper, with a delicate texture, giving a soft, simple, and bright feeling to the whole. The use of Herringbone Mosaic Carrara White in home decoration Not only is it fashionable and avant-garde, but it also instantly enhances the taste of the home.

Carrara's white shows in the space, is pure, is noble and bright; also people's understanding of home, the feeling of home, as well as the pursuit of life and attitude. As a versatile color, it can be matched with any color, with a lot of space to play, so in modern decorative design, the application of Carrara white is becoming more and more widespread and gradually become the darling of the high-end design field.

The Bianco Carrara Herringbone Marble Mosaics are a stylish and unique part of the Marble Mosaic Collection. They are just one design of matching tiles, mosaics, and trims that allow for hundreds of different design options for your home, office, or commercial construction or remodel. A unique accent to any project

Natural stone like this beautiful White Bianco Carrara Herringbone Marble Mosaic makes a timeless statement. This 12 x 12 decorative tile comes in white and has a polished or high gloss finish. With many styles to choose from in forever versatile marble, you’ll appreciate the unique style of this tile. This marble is made in Italy, long known for its timeless and beautiful design.

 Produkta nosaukums  1"x3" Herringbone White Carrara  Marble Mosaic Wall Decoration
 Loksnes izmērs  305x305 mm
 Krāsa  White
 Materiāls  Carrara marmora mozaīka
 Biezums  10 mm
 Virsmas apdare  Pulēts
 Mikroshēmas izmērs  25x75 mm
 Lietošana  Virtuve, Siena, Vannas istaba
 Iepakojums  5 loksnes kastē, 72 kastes uz paletes, 28 paletes konteinerā.

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