Profesionāla akmens grieztā izmēra flīžu un Countertops fabrika

Santa Cecilia Granīta tualetes virsma ar izlietni


Sazinieties ar mums


Prefab Laminate Santa Cecilia Light Granite Vanity Tops With Sink for Home Bathroom

A new granite bathroom vanity top with a sink gives your bathroom a fresh, restored feel. With our variety of vanity countertops, you can easily create your ideal space faster and more affordably than you might imagine. Santa Cecilia Transform your bathroom with a beautiful granite vanity top with an attached under-mount vitreous China trough bowl. Perfect for quick and easy remodels. Santa Cecilia granite for bathroom vanity as a countertop color you may use light flooring colors as well.

Santa Cecilia Granite Bathroom Vanity The combination of yellow, white, burgundy, black, and brown colors are flowing from left to right. This is a no mistake taken a color for the future appropriation of the house. 

Virtuves countertop izmēri

26"×78", 26"×96", 26"×108" utt.

Countertop apaļais galds

36", 42", 48" utt.

Galda virsma sala

36"×72", 36"×78" 42"×72", 42"×78" utt.

Uzgājienu bārs uz letes

12"×78", 16"×78", 18"×96" sala (uzkodu bārs) utt.


Parastie tualetes virsmu izmēri

Granīta galda virsma, izmērs bieži vien 25 "× 19" /22", 31 "× 19" /22", 37 "× 19" /22", 49 "× 19" /22", 61 "× 19" /22" (viena vai divas izlietnes) utt.

Atpakaļ šļakatas

2'', 3'', 4'', 5'', 6'' augstums

Sānu šļakatas

2'', 3'', 4'', 5'', 6'' augstums


1/2'', 3/4'' utt.


Pulēts, slīpēts, slīpēts, slīpēts + slīpēts utt.



Full Bullnose, Half Bullnose, Flat Eased(eased edge), Bevel Top, Radius Tops, Laminated, Ogee Edge, Beveled Processed, etc.



Granīta countertop, būs Saskaņā ar klientu zīmējumu vai ideju


Kvalitātes kontrole

Apstipriniet katru detaļu, pirms veicat pirmapstrādi

Visus produktus pirms iepakošanas pārbaudīja pieredzējis QC


Attiecīgie produkti

Granīta countertop, Vanity Top, Virtuves Top, Porcelāna izlietne, akmens izlietne, izlietne, izlietne utt.




Own quarry and factory with over 11 years experience ensure us to provide you high-quality products with competitive price.

Stingra kvalitātes kontroles sistēma nodrošina katra izstrādājuma pārbaudi.

Profesionāla apkalpošanas komanda nodrošina ērtu un ātru piegādi.

Ways to Use Santa Cecilia Granite in your home

In many homes, Santa Cecilia granite features prominently as kitchen or bathroom countertops. However, this also a good choice if you want a granite backsplash or stone tiled floors. This granite is a dense stone, which means that it can be used both inside the home and outside — particularly in places where more delicate types of stone may not stand up to the elements.

If you want a beautiful, durable fireplace surround, countertops for your outdoor kitchen, or even a surround for a barbecue pit, this granite is an excellent choice. Because Santa Cecilia is so dense and hard, it will stand up well to years of use in kitchens, bathrooms, and outdoor applications.

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