Profesionāla akmens grieztā izmēra flīžu un Countertops fabrika

Thassos White Marble


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Thassos White Marble

Thassos White Marble

Thassos White Marble Cut-to-Size Tile from Esta Stone factory is a gorgeous, elegant Greek Pure white marble. The stone is quite versatile as its pure white color will be easy to mix and match and give you plenty of styling options. The appearance of the natural marble is luminous and ice white, which provides it with a diamond-like appearance. This Thassos marble tile is excellent for wall or floor applications for residences and commercial building interior decor.

  1. Marble Products: Thassos White Marble Polished Floor and Wall Tiles
  2. Marble Material: White Thassos Marble, Pure White Marble
  3. Marble Tile Size: 600*600, 600*1200, 1200*1200
  4. Marmora biezums: 15 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm utt.
  5. Marmora virsma: Pulēts, slīpēts
  6. MOQ: 300 SQM
  7. White Marble Supplier: Esta Stone
  8. Natural Marble Application: Esta Stone provides natural white marble tiles for Multiple Applications for Construction and Decorative Purposes, commercial and residential building projects, hospitals, restaurants, bars, airports, malls, offices, exterior wall and interior flooring, and walls.
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greek thassos white marble

Greek thassos white marble masic
One of the most well-known and sought-after varieties of marble in the world is Greek Thassos White Marble. Known for its crystalline structure and flawless white color, this marble is named after the Greek island of Thassos, where it is mined. Thassos White Marble becomes a sophisticated and adaptable material ideal for a range of architectural and design applications when it is fashioned into mosaic tiles. 
Color: marble masic, greek thassos white marble

Size: 300×600, 600×600, 600×150, 457×457, 800×800 mm
Biezums: 1,8 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm utt.
Virsma: Pulēta, slīpēta, slīpēta, apdedzināta, apstrādāta ar ādu
MOQ: 300 SQM
panda grey marble  : ESTA STONE
Usages: Our greek thassos white marble is Suit for cutting kitchen and bathroom tiles, Interior and Exterior Wall Facade

Application: Esta Stone offers greek thassos white marble for Hotel, Villa, Apartment, Office Building, Hospital, Mall, Sports Venues, Leisure Facilities, Supermarket, warehouse, workshop, park, farmhouse, and courtyard kitchen and bathroom projects.

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Greek thassos marble

The Greek island of Thassos is the source of fine, pure white marble known as Thassos white marble. Greek and Roman architecture and sculpture made considerable use of the highly valued white marble from Thassos.
Thassos marble has been utilized for luxury building and ornamental purposes all over the world in more recent times.The fine grain, strong compressive strength, and beautiful white hue of Thassos marble are its distinguishing features.
It is frequently utilized for architectural and ornamental components such as flooring, countertops, wall cladding, and statuary.
Marble is a great material for both indoor and outdoor use because it is strong, easy to polish, and resistant to weathering.

The island’s distinct geological makeup, which includes an almost total lack of contaminants and an extraordinarily high concentration of calcite crystals, is what accounts for its purity. Marble is a very desirable material for both interior and outdoor uses because of its fine-grained texture and excellent compressive strength.

Materiāls: Materiāls: Thassos Marble
Small Slabs:180-240*60/70cm*2/3/4cm
Lielas plātnes: 120-180*240-300*2/3/4cm
MOQ: 100 SQM

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Thassos White Marble pulētas grīdas flīzes

Thassos pulēta marmora flīzes

Looking for a stylish, high-quality, and inexpensive natural marble tile, its appearance is no different from that of the industrial Thassos polished marble tile from Esta Stone Factory. Its purest white color and subtle gray textures make it a flexible desire for each minimalist and exquisite pattern, evoking an experience of delicate flavor in any indoor space. Named after the renowned Greek island where it was first discovered, Thassos marble is ideal for creating bright and spacious surroundings in conventional and modern interiors.<br>

  • Dabiskā marmora krāsa: Thassos White Marble, Pure White Marble<br>
  • Izmēri: 600x600 mm, 300x600 mm, 300x300 mm<br>
  • Biezums: 10,20,30 mm<br>
  • Virsma: Pulēta, slīpēta<br>
  • MOQ: 3100 SQM<br>
  • Baltā marmora rūpnīca: Esta Stone<br>
  • Lietošanas veidi: Mūsu augstas kvalitātes un labas cenas Thassos Marble In Polished Surface ir lieliski piemērotas iekštelpu grīdai, sienām, kāpnēm jebkurā komerciālā un dzīvojamā celtniecības projektā.<br>
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Baltas Thassos marmora flīzes

Thassos Marble 12×24

Tāsa marmors ar savu ikonisko balto nokrāsu un vēsturiskajām saitēm ar greznību ir bijis godājams celtniecības materiāls jau vairākas paaudzes. Šis dabīgais tīri baltais marmors, kas iegūts Grieķijas salā ar tādu pašu nosaukumu, izceļas ar savu neatkārtojamo tīrību un skaistumu, padarot to par visaugstākā līmeņa īpašnieku un arhitektu vēlmi. 

  1. Prece: Grieķija Thassos Marmors 24 "x12" Grīdas flīzes komerciāliem projektiem
  2. Materiāls: Materiāls: Thassos White Marble
  3. Size:24”x12”,24”x12”,12”x12”
  4. Jumbo izmēra plāksnes: 2400upx1200up, 2500upx1300up utt.
  5. Biezums: Pulēta, slīpēta, antīka
  6. MOQ: 300 SQM
  7. Dabīgā marmora flīžu rūpnīca: Esta Stone
  8. Marmora flīzes Pielietojums: Esta Stone piedāvā 60+ balto marmora akmeņu iekštelpu grīdas un sienu bruģēšanai mājām, villām, viesnīcām un biroju ēku projektiem.
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