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Granitowe kamienie nagrobne


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Granitowe kamienie nagrobne

Przedmiot: Czysty czarny granit do rzeźbienia ciężarówek Kamień nagrobny
Materiał: Absolutny czarny granit
Rozmiar: Dostosowany zgodnie z życzeniem
MOQ: 1 zestaw
Kolory: Czarny, Szary, Wielokolorowe są dostępne


New Designs Black Granite Truck Grave Stones For Cemetery

Black Granite headstones are a form of indication used in a cemetery to mark the grave of a loved one. Granite Grave Stones usually contain the name and age of the deceased, and other information called an epitaph. These could be a nickname, image, or quote.

Granite Headstones & Memorials Granite headstones and memorials typically include Upright Memorials, Flush Markers, Bevel Markers, Slant Memorials, Full Grave Ledgers, and Benches. Any of the Granite Grave Stones can all be used as a single (for one person) or as a companion memorial (for two people).

Black granite headstones are a classic beauty and mystery to the eyes of the beholder. Do not overlook this granite color, laser etching of family portraits goes smoothly onto this granite. Gold leaf engraving will make any lettering stand out on this black background.

Below are some photos of our new designs of truck carving headstones, which were ordered from our American Client, using whole pcs of pure black granite of all sizes polished and carving a Pickup truck on the top of the headstone, It is a whole piece, not separate and independent.

Nazwa produktu: 2021 New Design Truck Carving Black Granite Tombstone, Grave Stone
Materiał: Granite, marble, sandstone, limestone, basalt, etc.
Stone Choice: Indian Black, Shanxi Black, Impala, Multicolour red, Imperial Red, Ruby Red, India Red, Aurora, Blue Pearl, Vizag Blue, Emerald Pearl, G603, G633, G654, Abbey Grey, Tropical Green, Olive Green, Paradiso, Bahama Blue, Himalaya Blue, Tan Brown, Pink, Mahagony, White Marble, etc.
Wykończenie: Polished visible sides, the finish can be customized also.
Wymiar: 1–42" x 6/8" x 24/30/36" (Headstone) 58" x 12" x 6" (Base)
2–36" x 6/8" x 24/30/36" (Headstone) 42" x 12" x 6" (Base)3–30" x 6/8" x 24/30/36" (Headstone) 36" x 12" x 6" (Base)
4–24" x 4/6" x 24/28" (Headstone) 30" x 12" x 6" (Base)
5–30" x 3" x 24" (Headstone) 30" x 12" x 3"(Base)

6–Marker:24"/30"/36"/42"/ x 12"/16"/18" x 3"-10"
7–Vases:4" x 4" x 10" ; 6" x 6 x10" ; 7.5" x 7.5" x 12".
Can be done in customized dimensions and designs
We will make CAD drawings for your confirm

Przewaga Rich Colors Available, One-Stop Service, Free CAD, Timely Delivery, No MOQ

Projekty nagrobków i płyt nagrobnychProste, popularne nagrobki z czarnego granitu do projektowania grobów z napisami

Fabryka nagrobków i płyt nagrobkowych

I have my design headstone. Can you process and deliver it?

Yes, we can. We can work off almost any drawing or picture you bring to us. Depending on what format you provide this to us, there may be an additional charge.

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