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Kwarcyt Perla Venato


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Perla Venato White Quartzite Stone Slabs For Kitchen Countertops

Perla Venato Quartzite is a Brazilian quartzite Stone in a soft ivory white, mottled with very fine sand-colored veins. Its natural force is enhanced in this countertop that requires color contrasts to fully show off its beauty: nothing like a dark grey, petroleum blue, or intense chocolate-colored floor to make its crystalline beauty shimmer.

White quartzite is an attractive exotic stone that can visually improve any space in your home. Many types of white quartzite closely resemble the appearance of white marble. However, the two stones do have distinct differences. White quartzite countertops, backsplashes, vanity tops, and other surfaces are both beautiful and durable.

Perla Venato Quartzite This eye-catching stone enters domestic interior and exterior spaces as innovative wall and floor cladding. The soft ivory color of this gleaming and luminous quartzite originating in Brazil is synonymous with unobtrusive, artless elegance that fits into today’s domestic spaces in an astonishingly natural way.

1 Produkt Naturalny kwarcyt 
2 Przewaga Duża twardość
Bardzo wytrzymały
Wysoka odporność na korozję
Odporność na wysokie temperatury
Nietoksyczny i nieradioaktywny
Each piece has a naturally unique grain
3 Użycie Szerokie zastosowanie w blatach, umywalkach, blatach barowych, stolikach do pisania i innych.
also suitable for interior wall paneling, flooring and etc.
4 Popularne rozmiary Grubość
Płyta 2200(up)×1200(up)mm 14mm, 16mm, 18mm and etc
Cięcie na wymiar 300 x 300 mm, 600 x 600 mm, 800 x 800 mm itp. 14mm, 16mm, 18mm and etc
Blat kuchenny 96" x 25,5", 108" x 26", 96" x26", 108" x 25" itd. 20mm, 30mm,
20mm+20mm laminate
Top na wyspie 96 "x36", 108 "x36", 96 "x40", 72 "x36" i inne
Blat próżności 31 "x22", 37 "x22", 49 "x22", 61 "x22", 73 "x22" itd.
Stopień i podstopnica schodów 1000-1300x300x20/30mm & 1000-1300x150x20mm
5 Wykończenie powierzchni Polerowane, szlifowane, piaskowane, wykończone skórą, ciągnione lub inne określone wykończenie

Pakiet i przetwarzanie ESTA Marble

Does White Quartzite Need to be Sealed?

Most fabricators will apply a sealant before installation and explain any additional sealing that needs to happen over the life of the quartzite. In general, depending on the sealer, quartzite needs to be sealed at least once every 10 years. A tell-tale sign that it’s time to seal or re-seal a quartzite countertop is when the surface gets darker around wet areas, like sinks. If you are uncertain, you can test its porosity yourself by leaving a small amount of hot water on the surface for roughly 20 minutes, then wiping it away. If a darkened spot remains, your surface is soaking up liquid and could likely benefit from a sealant. Sealing a quartzite surface is the key to easy maintenance—be sure to follow the instructions for your specific sealer.

Does Quartzite Stone Stain?

Because quartzites are formed naturally, some are more porous than others. A porous stone is more prone to soaking up liquids and staining. The porosity of quartzite depends on the amount of metamorphosis the stone undergoes as it is formed. The higher the levels of heat, pressure, and metamorphosis during formation, the less porous the resulting quartzite will be. To solve the problem of porosity, natural stone surfaces are sealed, which makes cleaning easy and straightforward.

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