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Podłoga z polerowanego granitu


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Podłoga z polerowanego granitu

Granit ma wiele zalet, jeśli chodzi o zastosowanie na schodach. Po pierwsze, nadaje się do obszarów o dużym natężeniu ruchu ze względu na swoją wyjątkową trwałość i odporność na zużycie. Granitowe schody są odporne na degradację i uszkodzenia w miarę upływu czasu, nawet w warunkach dużego natężenia ruchu.

Granit ma również bogaty i wyrafinowany wygląd. Występuje w szerokim spektrum wzorów i kolorów, od jasnych odcieni, takich jak beż i biel, po bardziej stonowane odcienie, takie jak szary i czarny. Ze względu na swoje możliwości adaptacyjne, granit może być wybierany przez właścicieli domów i projektantów, aby stworzyć przestrzeń, która jest tak przyjemna wizualnie, jak to tylko możliwe, niezależnie od tego, czy jest nowoczesna, tradycyjna czy współczesna.

Granite has many advantages, including strength, beauty, and ease of maintenance. Because of its stain resistance, regular cleaning with a little soap and water is typically enough to maintain its best appearance. However, since they can harm the surface, it's crucial to stay away from utilizing acidic or abrasive cleansers on granite.

Należy pamiętać, że montaż schodów granitowych wymaga specjalistycznej wiedzy. Aby zagwarantować stabilne i bezpieczne schody, stopnie muszą być odpowiednio przycięte, wyprofilowane i ułożone. Aby zagwarantować długowieczność schodów i osiągnąć pożądane rezultaty, konieczne jest skorzystanie z usług doświadczonego wykonawcy lub instalatora.

Biorąc wszystko pod uwagę, osoby poszukujące schodów, które łączą w sobie wytrzymałość, elegancję i wyrafinowanie, często wybierają granitowe stopnie podłogowe.

Materiał: Płytki podłogowe z polerowanego granitu G654 HN
Rozmiary: 130 cm x 32 cm; 150 cm x 32 cm
Grubość: 20 mm, 30 mm
Powierzchnia: Polerowana, szlifowana, płomieniowana
MOQ: 100 SQMateriał: Grecki biały marmur
Marka: Esta Stone
Zastosowanie: Podłoga wewnętrzna, ściana, schody, kolumny Projekty


G654 HN polished granite floor tiles 

There are many uses for granite floor steps in both home and business environments. The following are a few typical uses:

Residential Homes: Granite floor stairs are a common installation that enhance the interior design of residential homes with style and refinement. They can be used as entryways, to connect rooms on separate floors, or as a means of accessing an attic or basement.

Commercial Buildings: Hotels, office buildings, retail centers, and public institutions are among the commercial buildings that frequently have granite staircases. They enhance the room’s overall aesthetic appeal and provide a striking entrance.

High-Traffic locations: Granite stairs are ideal for high-traffic locations since they are strong and resilient enough to endure a lot of foot traffic. This covers stadiums, train stations, airports, and public structures.

Patios, terraces, and garden landscapes are examples of outdoor settings where granite steps can be utilized. The natural stone can tolerate weather exposure, gives a sense of elegance, and blends well with outdoor settings.

Architectural Projects: Granite stairs can serve as a main element or focal point in architectural projects. They can be used to create visually arresting architectural elements, such as spiral or curved staircases.

Granite is a common material for renovating historical structures, such as monuments. It can be used to restore broken or worn-out stairs without compromising the building’s historical relevance or authenticity.

Custom Designs: Granite stairs can be made to meet certain needs and preferences in terms of style. This entails selecting the granite’s hue, pattern, and finish to complement the room’s overall design.

All things considered, granite floor stairs have a wide range of uses and can be customized to meet specific architectural and design requirements. Granite steps provide strength, style, and a hint of elegance in both home and business settings.

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Dimensions of G654 HN polished granite floor  Tiles

G654 HN polished granite floor tiles
Tile: 130*32cm, 150*32cm, etc.
Inne rozmiary na indywidualne zamówienie.
Polerowany, szlifowany, płomieniowany, WaterJet, Leathered.
Szczegóły pakietu
1) Płyta: tworzywo sztuczne wewnątrz + mocna, zdatna do żeglugi drewniana wiązka na zewnątrz
2) Płytka: pianka wewnątrz + mocne, zdatne do żeglugi drewniane skrzynie ze wzmocnionymi pasami na zewnątrz
3) Blat: pianka wewnątrz + mocne, zdatne do żeglugi drewniane skrzynie ze wzmocnionymi pasami na zewnątrz
Zapewnienie jakości: Podczas całego procesu produkcyjnego, od wyboru materiału, przez produkcję, aż po pakowanie, nasi pracownicy ds. zapewnienia jakości będą ściśle kontrolować każdy pojedynczy proces, aby zapewnić standardy jakości i terminową dostawę.
Czas dostawy: 7 dni na pojemnik.

Min. zamówienie: 300 SQM
Pozycja cenowa: FOB Xiamen, Chiny. lub możemy wysłać zgodnie z życzeniem klienta.
Płatność: 30% Depozyt przed rozpoczęciem produkcji, 70% Saldo przed wysyłką.

G654 HN polished Granite Floor Tiles

Project  Maintance  of  G654 HN polished granite floor tiles:

Granite floor steps are relatively easy to maintain, and with the right care, they can last for many years and look beautiful. The following are some care guidelines for steps with granite floors:

Frequent Cleaning: To get rid of dust, filth, and debris, sweep or vacuum the stairs frequently. By doing this, the buildup of particles that could dull the surface or produce scratches is avoided. To prevent scratching the granite, use a vacuum with a brush attachment or a broom with soft bristles.

moderate Cleaning Solutions: Use a moderate pH-neutral cleanser diluted with water for regular cleaning. Strong or acidic cleansers should be avoided as they may harm the granite’s surface. Using a soft cloth or mop, apply the cleaning solution. Rinse well with clean water, then use a clean, lint-free cloth to dry the steps.

Quick Spill Cleanup: To avoid staining, clean up spills on the granite stairs right away. Using a paper towel or clean cloth, gently dab the spill. Removing the spill by rubbing could cause it to spread and force the liquid further into the stone. After using a gentle cleaning solution, wash the area with water.

Avoid Abrasive Cleaners: Because they can scratch or harm the surface, abrasive brushes, scouring pads, and cleaners should not be used on granite stairs. Likewise, keep in mind that acidic materials like vinegar, lemon juice, or bleach can scratch or discolor granite.

Use Coasters and Mats: To avoid direct contact with the granite surface, use coasters or mats underneath planters, vases, and other items that might contain liquids. This aids in preventing potential damage or stains.

Protective Pads: To avoid dents or scratches when moving furniture on the granite stairs, attach felt or rubber pads to the bottom of the legs, especially of heavy pieces.

Sealing: Periodic resealing may be required, depending on the type of granite and the sealing used during installation. To ensure the granite’s durability and stain resistance, seek professional advice or adhere to the manufacturer’s sealing instructions.

Prevent Impact and Weight Stress: Even though granite is a strong stone, damage can still result from large hits or too much weight. To prevent chips or cracks, move furniture and other heavy items carefully and avoid dropping them on the stairs.

Granite floor stairs can retain their durability and beauty with regular care and upkeep. It’s always a good idea to speak with a qualified stone care specialist if you have specific questions or concerns about keeping your granite steps, or to adhere to the maintenance recommendations provided by the manufacturer.


G654 HN Polished Granite Floor Tiles Factory


Fabryka płytek podłogowych i ściennych z naturalnego drewnianego marmuru | esta Stone

Granite floor stairs are a popular option for both residential and commercial applications because of a number of its features. The following are some essential features of granite floor stairs:

Durability: Granite is a naturally occurring stone with a reputation for being incredibly strong and durable. It has a high level of resistance against general wear and tear, cracks, and scratches. Granite stairs are long-lasting and resilient enough to endure high foot traffic.

Aesthetic Appeal: Granite’s graceful appearance and inherent beauty make it highly valued. It offers a multitude of color, pattern, and finish options, enabling a vast range of design possibilities. Granite may be tailored to fit a variety of design styles, whether you like a smooth, polished appearance or a more rustic, textured surface.

It’s crucial to remember that the qualities and specific type of granite might affect its properties. You can be sure that you select the ideal granite for your floor stairs by working with a reliable supplier or expert installer, who will take into account elements like maintenance needs, design preferences, and functionality.

Dostawca drewnianych podłóg marmurowych | Esta Stone

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