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Wstępnie przycięte granitowe blaty kuchenne


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Wstępnie przycięte granitowe blaty kuchenne
Materiał: Brązowy granit
Rozmiar płytek: 25"×96", 26"×108", 28"×96", 28"×108" lub rozmiary niestandardowe.
Zastosowanie: Kuchnia, Dom prywatny, Bar
Facotry: Esta Stone


Precut Tan Brown Granite Kitchen Countertops

Granit Tan Brown posiada ciemnobrązowe, czarne i szare plamki. Ten trwały naturalny granit dobrze sprawdza się w różnych projektach wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych, w tym na ścianach, podłogach, blatach i innych elementach architektonicznych.

Tan Brown granite is a popular dark granite with beige speckling. This stunning granite can have occasional red and blue speckling. The browns in this stone allow it to match many colors in a contemporary kitchen and bathroom and some public area decoration parts.

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Nazwa kamienia:

Tan Brown Granite

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Możliwości w zakresie rozwiązań projektowych:



100% Naturalny marmur

Miejsce pochodzenia:




Nazwa marki:

Esta Stone


Rozmiar niestandardowy

Numer modelu:

Brown Granite




Płytki, blaty



Rodzaj marmuru:

Granit Stone



Forma kamienia:

Granitowy blat kuchenny



Maintenance and renovation of Tan Brown Granite

The purpose is to make the Tan Brown granite absorb as little water as possible, so as to reduce the water absorption law of the Tan Brown granite. If the conditions permit, the last waterproof is done.

Rough grinding: before grinding, the Tan Brown granite should be grooved, then waterproof, and then filled. After the waterproof effect comes out, use the diamond resin hard grinding block, and remember not to give too much water for rough grinding. After each grinding plate is polished, mop it with a mop, and thoroughly absorb the water. Check whether the deep scratch road left by the cutting edge grinding is polished off with 50 ᦇ grinding plate, and so on. The machine grinds in the shape of well, and the rough grinding accounts for 45% of the overall grinding time, which is the key link to ensure the quality acceptance of the project completion.

1.Tan Brown Granite Kitchen Countertops

Fine grinding: After grinding, make waterproof first. After the waterproof effect comes out, use the diamond resin soft water grinding plate. The fine grinding takes 35% of the whole grinding time, and the gloss can reach 50 degrees after fine grinding to 2000 degrees.

Tan Brown Granite Bathroom Vanity tops

Fine grinding: Before grinding, the Tan Brown granite must be 70% dry. First, the natural Tan Brown granite filling agent is used for pretreatment, so that the Tan Brown granite can fill the porosity and strengthen the material. After fine grinding, the glossiness is improved greatly, and the surface density of brown granite is increased, which lays a solid foundation for the polishing agent and enhances the adhesion of the polishing material.

Tan Brown Granite Random Slabs

Polishing: The polishing of Tan Brown granite must be thoroughly dry. The power of crystal plane machine is more than 2HP, and the polishing and grinding are carried out by introducing milk .After polishing, the surface gloss of Tan Brown granite can reach at least 90-100 degrees.


Q1: Why is tan brown granite so popular?

A: One of the reasons Tan Brown granite is so popular for countertops is that it goes well with many cabinet colors. For a kitchen that makes a statement, try white or cream cabinets. You can’t help but admire the countertop.

Q2: What color is tan granite countertops?

A: When combined with white cabinets and lightly colored walls – tan brown granite countertops really dominate the room. The dark black and brown colors are a perfect contrast to the light cabinets. However due to the light brown tones in the stone, the overall effect is not too clinical and contemporary.

Q3: What is brown granite?

A: Brown granite is a beautiful natural stone that is suitable for countertops, backsplashes or vanity tops. It is one of the most common colors for granite surfaces. Various types of brown granite will look great no matter where you install them in the house.

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