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Ajax White Marble


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Ajax White Marble
Material: Ajax Marble Slab For Interior Floor and Wall Projects
Material: Ajax White Marble, Greek White Marble
Standard Marble Slabs: 2400upx1200up,2800upx1500up or Based on Customer's Request
Thickness: 20,30mm
Surface: Polished, Honed, Brushed
MOQ: 100 SQM
Marble Factory: Esta Stone
Marble Oringinal: Italy
Marble Application: Marble Slabs For Kitchen and Bathroom Countertops, And Wall Panel Projects


Greek Ajax White Polished Marble Slabs For Interior Projects

Ajax White Marble is a precious material quarried in Greece. It is a natural white marble stone. Ajax White Marble is composed of dolomite and calcite. It is a marble of very high quality. Ajax Marble Slab has a white background crossed by beautiful grey and brown veins.

Greek Ajax Marble Polished Slab is a brilliant choice for both indoor and exterior projects and it is suitable for book match patterns.

Ajax White Marble Slab has a white background with intensive big patterns consisting of grey, blue, and coffee veins. The Greece White Marble has better technical specifications than known dolomite marbles and is an excellent choice for medium and bigger projects.

The intensive pattern makes the marble suitable for open book and book match patterns and when installed in big pieces.

1: Basic Information | Ajax Marble Slabs | Esta Stone


Product Greek Ajax Marble Slab and Tile
Material White Ajax Marble
Color White
Recommend Tiles Size 30.5 x 30.5cm/61cm
30 x 30cm/60cm
40 x 40cm/80cm
Or another size according to the customer's request
Recommend Slabs Size 240up x 120up cm
250up x 140up cm
Or another size according to the customer's request
Thickness 1.0cm, 1.6cm, 1.8cm, 2cm, 2.5cm, 3cm, 4cm etc.
Finished Polished, Honed, Brushed, etc.


2: Ajax Marble Stock Photos | Esta Stone Factory

3: Natural Ajax Marble Factory 

White Ajax Marble Factory

1-FAQ of  Ajax marble

4: FAQ: Are White Marble Good For Flooring Projects?

white marble is good for flooring because it is a natural light color that will reflect light and make a room appear brighter and more open. Additionally, marble is a durable material that can last for many years with proper care.

Is Marble A Good Choice For Kitchen Floors?

Marble is a good choice for kitchen floors because it is durable and easy to clean. Marble is also a good choice for kitchen floors because it is cool to the touch, which is ideal for cooking.

Ajax Marble Factory

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