Piatră profesională de piatră tăiată la dimensiuni de gresie și blaturi de fabrică

Piatră cultivată furnir de piatră



Piatră cultivată furnir de piatră

Placajul din piatră de cultură, adesea cunoscut sub numele de piatră fabricată sau piatră falsă, este un produs fabricat de om care este menit să pară a fi piatră naturală. Acesta este utilizat în mod obișnuit pentru a acoperi pereții interiori și exteriori, șeminee și alte elemente arhitecturale.

Cimentul, agregatele și pigmenții sunt folosite pentru a crea placarea cu piatră de cultură. Deși compoziția variază semnificativ de la un producător la altul, scopul principal este de a semăna cu textura, culoarea și forma pietrei naturale. 

Produse din piatră: Roșu Piatră cultivată furnir de piatră, Piatra Culturală

Culori de piatră: Roșu Piatră cultivată furnir de piatră 

Fabrica de gresie din marmură naturală: Esta Stone

Cerere: Esta Stone oferă peste 100 de pietre naturale pentru proiecte de pardoseală și pereți interiori, cum ar fi hoteluri, clădiri de birouri, mall-uri, spa-uri și restaurante.


Cultured Stone Veneer for Sale

When compared to natural stone or other building materials, cultured stone veneer, often known as produced stone or faux stone, has various advantages.


Cultured stone veneer is typically less expensive than genuine stone. It offers a cost-effective alternative to natural stone for achieving the look without the additional costs involved with quarrying, transporting, and installation of natural stone.


Cultured stone veneer weighs less than natural stone. This feature makes it simpler to handle, transfer, and install. It eliminates the need for considerable structural support, simplifies installation, and can save time and money.


Cultured stone veneer is available in a variety of styles, hues, and textures. It can be made to seem like several types of natural stone, such as limestone, granite, or slate. This adaptability opens up new design possibilities and allows you to get the ideal aesthetic appeal for your project.

Consistent Appearance:

Natural stone can vary in color, texture, and shape, making it difficult to obtain a uniform appearance. Cultured stone veneer, on the other hand, provides visual constancy. It is made with constant color and texture, ensuring a unified and uniform appearance throughout the installation.


Cultured stone veneer is designed to be long-lasting and durable. It is not prone to fading, chipping, or cracking. It can survive a variety of climatic conditions, including freeze-thaw cycles, and is therefore appropriate for both interior and exterior uses.

Installation Ease:

When compared to actual stone, cultured stone veneer is comparatively simple to install. It can be applied to a ready-made surface with mortar or specialist adhesives. Because cultured stone veneer is lightweight, it simplifies installation and eliminates the need for heavy equipment or substantial labor.

Low Maintenance:

Cultured stone veneer requires less upkeep. Unlike natural stone, it does not require sealing or resealing on a regular basis. It is stain resistant in general and can be washed with moderate soap and water. Because of its low care requirements, it is a popular choice among homeowners and builders.

Environmental Advantages:

Cultured stone veneer is often made from a blend of natural and recycled materials. This minimizes the requirement for natural stone quarrying, resulting in a lesser environmental effect. Furthermore, the lightweight nature of cultured stone veneer decreases energy consumption associated with transportation.

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Dimensions of Red Cultrued Stone Veneer Stones

Natural Red Cultured Veneer Stones
250*400*7 mm
Detaliile pachetului
1) Placă: plastic în interior + pachet de lemn marin puternic în exterior
2) Țiglă: spumă în interior + lăzi de lemn solide, cu curele întărite în exterior.
3) Blat: spumă în interior + lăzi de lemn solide de mare cu curele întărite în exterior
Asigurarea calității: În timpul întregului proces de producție, de la alegerea materialului, la fabricarea și ambalare, oamenii noștri de asigurare a calității vor controla strict fiecare proces pentru a asigura standardele de calitate și livrarea punctuală.
Timp de livrare: 7 zile pe container.

Comanda min: 300 SQM
Preț Articol: FOB Xiamen, China. sau putem expedia la cererea clientului.
Plata: 30% Depozit înainte de producție, 70% Sold înainte de expediere.

Application of Red Cultured Stone Veneer Stones

 Cultured stone veneer, also known as produced stone or artificial stone, can be used to improve the aesthetics and add a touch of natural beauty to both indoor and exterior environments.

Exterior Facades:

Cultured stone veneer can be used to cover building exterior walls, giving them the appearance of genuine stone. It can be used to cover the full facade or as an accent to add visual appeal. This application enhances the curb appeal of residential residences, business buildings, and other structures by adding a decorative feature.

Fireplaces and Chimneys:

Cultured stone veneer is a common material for coating the surfaces of fireplaces and chimneys. Depending on the style of stone veneer used, it can have a rustic or contemporary appearance. The natural beauty of the cultured stone veneer adds to the visual appeal of the fireplace and makes it the main point of the room.

Interior Accent Walls:

Cultured stone veneer can be utilized to create magnificent interior accent walls. A cultured stone veneer accent wall adds texture, depth, and character to any room, whether it’s in the living room, dining room, or bedroom. It can serve as a focal point, enhance existing decor, and provide a touch of nature to any space.


Using cultured stone veneer as a backsplash in the kitchen is a popular technique to add visual interest and texture to the room. It can be used as a decorative feature as well as a barrier against splatters and stains on the wall. Cultured stone veneer comes in a variety of hues and textures, allowing for customisation to meet different kitchen styles.

Outdoor Kitchen and Barbecue Areas:

Cultured stone veneer is frequently used to accentuate outdoor kitchens and barbecue areas. It can be painted on the walls that encircle these areas to create a unified and aesthetically pleasing outdoor living space. The organic stone-like look gives the outside area a touch of refinement and coziness.

Columns and Pillars:

Both interior and outdoor pillars and columns can be covered with cultured stone veneer. It distinguishes these architectural characteristics as ornamental elements by giving them a hint of refinement and aesthetic appeal.

 Red Cultured Stone Veneer Factory


Parchet de marmură din lemn natural și perete gresie Fabrica de gresie | esta Stone

Maintance Of Using Red Cultured Stone Veneer Stones 

Proper maintenance of red cultured stone veneer is important to ensure its longevity and preserve its appearance. 

Curățare regulată:

Clean the surface of the red cultured stone veneer on a regular basis to remove dirt, dust, and other debris. With mild soap and water, scrub with a soft brush or a non-metallic scrub brush. To avoid damaging the veneer, avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleansers.

Stain Prevention:

Although red cultured stone veneer is often stain resistant, it is still necessary to take precautions. Clean up any spills as soon as possible, especially if they contain chemicals such as oil, grease, or acidic liquids. Clean stains as soon as possible using a light detergent and water.

It’s important to note that maintenance requirements may vary depending on the specific brand and type of red cultured stone veneer you have. 

Furnizor de pardoseli din marmură de lemn | Esta Stone

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