Piatră profesională de piatră tăiată la dimensiuni de gresie și blaturi de fabrică

Marmură întunecată Emperador




Dark Emperador Marble Tiles For Bathroom and Living Room Floor 

Dark Emperador Marble is a special-grade product in natural stone. It originated from the marble-producing area of Madrid, Spain. It is said that Spain's mountains stretch for thousands of miles and the scenery is picturesque. This Brown Marble mined from this vast and rolling "water-rich land" is undoubtedly a special grade product in natural stone.  Emperador Dark Marble Floor and Wall Tile is a great way to add a traditional aesthetic touch to your decor.


The intricate alternation of light brown, dark brown, and silky white presents the net effect with a distinct texture. The texture is extremely strong, and the texture is deep and confusing, which is difficult to guess. The sense of three-dimensional level is strong, which interprets the solemn and steady wind. The white texture is crystal clear and the decoration effect is excellent.

Main features

Dark brown background, white flowers, good luminosity, easy to glue. Emperador Dark Marble a special grade product in marble, originated from Spain. The deep coffee color is inlaid with the light white reticular pattern, which makes the rough lines have a more delicate feeling and a very decorative effect

Field of use

Interior high-grade decoration. Component

Material 100% natural  dark Emperador marble
Finisarea suprafețelor Polished, Honed, Flamed, Sandblasted, Rough hammered, Bush hammered, Rough picked,  etc. 
Marginea disponibilă Polished, Bush Hammer, Flat, Flamed, Eased, Beveled, Bullnose, Ogee, Cove, Dupont, laminated, non-laminated and etc.


1800(up) x 600(up)mm

1800(up) x 700(up)mm

2400(up) x 1200(up)mm

2800(up) x 1500(up)mm etc.


305 x 305mm

400 x 400mm

457 x 457mm

600 x 600mm

Dimensiunea poate fi personalizată
Grosime 10/15/18/20/20/25/30mm etc.
Utilizare Decorațiuni interioare/exterioare, Pentru podea sau perete, Blaturi, Blaturi de vanitate
Ambalare Ladă de lemn de mare

Can marble tile be repaired if it’s damaged?

In many cases, marble can be repaired. Most often, epoxy glue or filler can be used. Consult an expert’s advice for product recommendations that will suit your marble.


Dust interior floors frequently using a clean, dry dust mop. Sand, dirt, and grit

do the most damage to natural stone surfaces due to their abrasiveness. Mats

or area rugs inside and outside an entrance will help to minimize the sand, dirt, and grit that will scratch the stone floor. Be sure that the underside of the mat

or rug is a non-slip surface. Do not use vacuum cleaners that are worn — the

metal or plastic attachments or the wheels may scratch the surface


 In the bath basin or other wet areas, soap scum can be minimized by using a

squeegee after each use. To remove soap scum, use a non-acidic soap scum

remover or a solution of ammonia and water (about 1/2 cup ammonia to a

gallon of water). Frequent or over-use of an ammonia solution may eventually

dull the surface of the stone.


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