Piatră profesională de piatră tăiată la dimensiuni de gresie și blaturi de fabrică

French Marble Countertops For Bathroom Vanity




French Marble Countertops For Bathroom Vanity Tops For DIY and Deco Mall Sales

Natural Marble Bathroom Top with Sink makes a magnificent impression. This vanity top can be paired with a new or existing vanity cabinet, creating a timelessly luxurious ambiance. Marble stone vanity tops give your bathroom an elegant look that pairs beautifully with chrome or oil-rubbed bronze faucets and rich colored cabinetry, like mahogany or cherry. Marble finish options include traditional white and gray patterns, along with modern black patterns. 

Material French Wooden Marble 
Marca ESTA STONE  [email protected]
Despre noi 1) Ne-am concentrat pe marmură naturală pentru mai mult de 10 ani.
2) Lucrători experimentați și o echipă de management și servicii eficiente.
Culoare White with grey veins / pure white
Dimensiuni ale blatului de vanitate: 25×19×3/4", 31×19×3/4", 37×19×3/4", 43×19×3/4", 49×19×3/4", 61×19×3/4", 25×22×3/4", 31×22×3/4", 37×22×3/4", 43×22×3/4",
49×22×3/4", 61×22×3/4", sau dimensiuni personalizate
Marginea: 3/4 "eased, 3/4" full bullnose, 3/4 "ogee, 3/4 "threhold, 3/4 "demi bullnose, 3/4" dupont,etc.
Dimensiunile blatului de bucătărie: 25"×96", 25½"×96", 26"×96", 25½"×108", 26"×108", 28"×96", 28"×108", sau dimensiuni personalizate.
Marginile: 1/4 bullnose, cascadă, ogee, scotia, jumătate de bullnose, top bullnose, dublu scotia, plat, dublu bullnose, dublu dupont,
dublu dupont complet etc.

How do I Clean and Care for marble stone vanity tops and countertops?

DO NOT use any abrasive; such as Comet, Ajax, etc., on the marble surface.

For Glossy Finish:

Clean surface with liquids only; such as Windex, 409, Mr. Clean, Gel Gloss, etc.

To maintain the luster, you may put a coat of furniture paste wax or Pledge on the surface and buff with a soft cloth every few months.

For Parian Finish:

Clean same as a glossy finish

To remove cigarette stains, light scratches, etc., use a “SCOTCH-BRITE” pad (#7447).

Rub lightly in a circular motion, always in the same directions

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