French Marble Countertops For Bathroom Vanity Tops For DIY and Deco Mall Sales
Natural Marble Bathroom Top with Sink makes a magnificent impression. This vanity top can be paired with a new or existing vanity cabinet, creating a timelessly luxurious ambiance. Marble stone vanity tops give your bathroom an elegant look that pairs beautifully with chrome or oil-rubbed bronze faucets and rich colored cabinetry, like mahogany or cherry. Marble finish options include traditional white and gray patterns, along with modern black patterns.
Material | French Wooden Marble |
Marca | ESTA STONE [email protected] |
Despre noi | 1) Ne-am concentrat pe marmură naturală pentru mai mult de 10 ani. 2) Lucrători experimentați și o echipă de management și servicii eficiente. |
Culoare | White with grey veins / pure white |
Dimensiuni ale blatului de vanitate: | 25×19×3/4", 31×19×3/4", 37×19×3/4", 43×19×3/4", 49×19×3/4", 61×19×3/4", 25×22×3/4", 31×22×3/4", 37×22×3/4", 43×22×3/4", 49×22×3/4", 61×22×3/4", sau dimensiuni personalizate |
Marginea: 3/4 "eased, 3/4" full bullnose, 3/4 "ogee, 3/4 "threhold, 3/4 "demi bullnose, 3/4" dupont,etc. | |
Dimensiunile blatului de bucătărie: | 25"×96", 25½"×96", 26"×96", 25½"×108", 26"×108", 28"×96", 28"×108", sau dimensiuni personalizate. |
Marginile: 1/4 bullnose, cascadă, ogee, scotia, jumătate de bullnose, top bullnose, dublu scotia, plat, dublu bullnose, dublu dupont, dublu dupont complet etc. |
How do I Clean and Care for marble stone vanity tops and countertops?
DO NOT use any abrasive; such as Comet, Ajax, etc., on the marble surface.
For Glossy Finish:
Clean surface with liquids only; such as Windex, 409, Mr. Clean, Gel Gloss, etc.
To maintain the luster, you may put a coat of furniture paste wax or Pledge on the surface and buff with a soft cloth every few months.
For Parian Finish:
Clean same as a glossy finish
To remove cigarette stains, light scratches, etc., use a “SCOTCH-BRITE” pad (#7447).
Rub lightly in a circular motion, always in the same directions