Piatră profesională de piatră tăiată la dimensiuni de gresie și blaturi de fabrică

Placarea cu marmură pe perete




Galala Beige Marble Tiles For Wall Cladding and Bathroom Space

Galala Beige Marble Cladding On Wall paving tiles are, without a doubt, beautiful complementary pieces of furnishing that transport us into an authentic and historical dimension. In contemporary design, marble tiles, as well as for floors, are often used to cover various rooms in the home such as the living room, the bathroom, and the kitchen, simply and linearly.

Best suited for interior use, Marble Cladding On Wall will bring an air of sophistication to a home or office. Cut into slim layers, cladding gives the marble a different appearance when compared to marble tiles or slabs. The slimmer pieces of stone allow our customers to opt to have a more complex-looking and textured wall.

Galala Beige Marble is one of the most beautiful Egyptian Marbles it can be used for Walls and floors applications, Marble Countertops, mosaics of Marble, Marble fountains, pool, and wall capping, Marble stairs, windows, Marble Fireplaces, Marble Floors, Marble Flooring, Interiors, and Exteriors

Produse Placi de ardezie, Ardezie, Piatră de cultură, Piatră de grămadă, Placarea pietrei, Placarea pereților, Panouri de perete, Ledge Stone, Panou de ardezie
Culori disponibile Galben auriu, galben de lemn, negru, verde, gri, multicolor, ruginit, negru mixt și ruginit
Mărimea normală 60x20x1~2.5cm/3.5-4.5cm
Stil Natural ledge
Utilizare Material decorativ pentru placarea pereților, placarea cu piatră a pereților interiori/exteriori, zone de lobby, ghișee, zone de recepție, grădină
peisaj. Instalare ușoară.
Avantajul nostru: Propriile resurse de carieră, propria fabrică, aprovizionarea în timp util și stabilă a materialului
We can control competitive factory price, high quality
Ladă de lemn de mare pentru a reduce spargerea și încărcarea într-un mod sigur
Inspectorul nostru a făcut o inspecție strictă înainte de expediere
Insist on these principle to assure long-term cooperation

Joints in Marble Wall Cladding

All joints in the marble cladding shall be full of mortar, and special care must be taken to ensure that groundings for veneer work are full of mortar.

If any hollow grounding is detected by tapping the face stones, these shall be taken out and reinstalled.

The joint face thickness shall be straight, uniform, and as fine as possible.

No joint shall be more than 1.5 mm, and in the facet joints, the top 6 mm depth shall be carried using mortar specified for the pointing.

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