Piatră profesională de piatră tăiată la dimensiuni de gresie și blaturi de fabrică

Yellow River Granit blaturi de granit




Yellow River Granite Stone Kitchen Countertops Slabs

Yellow River Granite Countertops are unique and if you want to have something truly original and hard to repeat – that should be your choice. Quarried in Southern Brazil, also known as Golden Ridge or Golden River Granite, this stone offers complex patterns and amazing golden colors.

Yellow River Granite is a light gold natural stone with various veining patterns of gray, gold, and/or white depending on the exact slab.

Yellow River Granite Countertops can be quite tricky and misleading. The slabs have a very high level of color and pattern variations and you can find light golden shades, creamy shades, or honey-amber variations. Each slab is unique and has its own individual character. The long mineral veins and complex mineral deposits are different in each slab so it is practically impossible to find two same slabs.

Yellow River Granite is a complex stone that is loved for its detailed and mesmerizing patterns. Its stunning golden yellow colors make it a great choice for kitchen countertops and splashbacks.

Yellow River Natural Granite is a veiny and patchy granite with a tan base that is accompanied by grey and gold accents. Because of granite’s durability, Yellow River can be used for nearly any home or business remodeling project. It is ideal for kitchen countertops, bathroom countertops, backsplashes, fireplace surrounds, home bar tops, commercial bar tops, and outdoor kitchen countertops.

Countertop Edge processing

Full Bullnose, Half bullnose, Flat eased (muchia eased), Bevel top, Radius Top, Blat laminat, Ogee Edge, DuPont, Edge, Bevelled sau altele.

Countertop Size Details 

Disponibil în diferite dimensiuni pentru diferite produse.
Marginea și dimensiunea personalizată sunt disponibile pentru comandă specială 
Kitchen Top: 108”*28”,96”*28”,108”*25 1/2”,98”*26”,96*25 1/2” etc
Kitchen Island: 98”*42”,96’*36”,86”*42”,76”*36’etc
Vanity Top : 25”*22”,31”*22”,37”*22”,49”*22”,etc;
Thickness: 3/4” or 1 1/8” or other special thickness
Specificațiile personalizate sunt, de asemenea, disponibile;

Countertop Finish Way

Polished, Honed, leather,flamed+brushred, etc


În afara cu o ladă de lemn puternic de mare; În interior cu spumă de plastic moale

Controlul calității

Polished degree 95 or higher than 95 

Thickness tolerance: +/-1mm

All products checked by experienced QC pieces by pieces and then pack

Bucătărie Blaturi de bucătărie Marginile Profil

What is the difference between marble and granite? 

“Although both are stones and quarried from the earth, granite and marble (and marble’s relatives – limestone, onyx, and travertine) are very different from each other. Granite is formed deep in the earth’s mantle at extremely high temperatures. It is a very hard, resistant stone made of crystallized minerals. The marble family – limestone, travertine, marble, onyx – start out as sediment – animal skeletons and shells, plant matter, silt – at the bottom of bodies of water. After millions of years, this solidifies (lithifies) into stone. Because its main component is calcium, it can be affected by acids such as vinegar and citrus.”  

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