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Гранитная плита Cosmic Black


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Гранитная плита Cosmic Black
Артикул: Brazil Cosmic Black Granite Slabs For Countertops and Wall Cladding Tiles
Материал: Черный космический гранит
Толщина: 20, 30 мм
Поверхность: Полированная, лессированная
MOQ: 100 КВ. М
Применение: Столешницы для кухонь и ванных комнат, внутренние и наружные полы и стены


Brazil Black Cosmic Granite Slabs For Kitchen and Bathroom Countertops

Cosmic Black Granite is a beautiful Brazil Dark Black granite with a wide range of shades and infrequent patches of white, amber, and burgundy throughout. Semi-Products Cosmic Black Granite slab is ideal materials for cutting a kitchen countertop, bathroom vanity, backsplash, fireplace surround, and floor. Meanwhile with its high performance in both leathered and polished finishes is a phenomenal choice for many homeowners or interior designs, construction company uses including as a kitchen countertop.

Black Cosmic granite lies at the intersection of dusk and dawn. Rivulets of complex beige and subdued white swirl from the whole Cosmic Black Granite Slab— unexpectedly and with vigor — over a jet black background, like cream poured into coffee. Purchasing one Cosmic Black Granite Countertop to enhance your kitchen or bathroom with its unmatched beauty and uniquity.

Black cosmic granite tiles also come in honed, polished, and leathered surfaces. It also comes in ¼, ½, and ¾ inch thickness for different spaces decoration, and the black cosmic granite countertop slab is a popular choice for homeowners going for the modern look. Aside from countertops, backsplash, and fireplaces, these black granite paving slabs are also used for walls and flooring. Its durability and longevity are ensured upon sealing.

Название продукта Baltic Brown granite countertop & vanity top
Стандартный размер vanity top 25"*22,31"*22",49"*22",61"*22",etc.
kitchen tops 25 1/2"*96",26"*96",25 1/2"*108",26 1/2"*108",28"*96",28"*108",etc.
kitchen island 98"*42",76"*42",76"*36",86"*42",96"*42",etc.
countertop peninsula 36"*78",39"*78",28"*78",etc.
contertop snack bar 12"*78",15"*78",98"*18",108"*18",etc.
Other sizes are available upon detailed requirement. We welcome customized drawings and styles.
Толщина 3/4" or 1 1/2" or others can be available to meet your requirements
Edges processing full bullnose, half bullnose, flat eased(eased edge), Bevel top, laminated bullnose, ogee edge, beveled processed or polished, or others.

Комплекты из гранита и мрамора

More color information about the Black Cosmic Stone

Unlike the aforementioned, Black Cosmic Granite is also in deep color but is cut through with milk-white veins and streaks, making it an eye-catcher. Homeowners going for the classier, timeless look will most likely opt for absolute black. On the other hand, if you are more frisky and adventurous all the while rooting for that modern look, it is recommended you go for the black cosmic.

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