Профессиональная фабрика по производству плитки и столешниц из камня

Наружная гранитная плитка


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Chinese Grey Exterior Granite Mushroom Surface Wall Cladding Tiles

Traditionally known for its interior countertop applications, Chinese grey granite has recently become popular for outdoor use as well. Due to its durability and ease of fabrication, it is an ideal material for patios, pool surrounds, wall caps, and more. Our granites come in a wide range of colors and can be finished in many ways by our in-house fabricators.

Outdoor’s range of Exterior Granite Tiles for Floor and Wall Cladding products features volcanic stones that have formed and hardened over millions of years, resulting in extremely dense and hard-wearing stones. This characteristic enables our Granite pavers to be utilized in the most vigorous of applications.

Granite tile is one of the most durable natural stone options, which provides a timeless and beautiful classic look. Grey Exterior Granite Tiles are an excellent tile flooring choice and is mostly used in outdoor applications as it is very durable and has a high capacity to withstand extreme weather conditions


granite tiles black granite tiles


a) живой узор и богатый рисунок

б) благородный стиль и элегантная декоративность

в) натуральный камень и отличная технология обработки


beige marble, absolutely black marble tile, golden marble, coffee marble, rainbow marble, gray marble, red marble, Bianco Dolomiti marble Giallo Real marble

Обработка поверхности

Полировка, хонингование, фламбирование, пикелевание, гидроабразивная обработка, втулочная обработка, пескоструйная обработка и т.д.


Плитка, слэбы, столешницы, колонны, брусчатка, кубы, мозаика, скульптуры, надгробия и т.д.



Стандартный размер








Внутренняя часть: обернута пенопластом

Внешний вид: деревянные связки/ящики/поддон

Grey Granite Exterior Wall Cladding Tiles

Завод по производству гранита и мрамора

How to Clean Granite Exterior Floors and Wall Tiles

1 Sweep the floor thoroughly to remove all loose dirt and debris. Pick it up in a dustpan and throw it away.

2 Fill a bucket with 1 gallon of warm water and add stone cleaner according to the package directions.

3 Submerge a mop into the cleaning solution and wring it out. The mop should be damp, not dripping. Mop the floor starting at one corner of the room and work your way across. Rinse and wring the mop as often as needed. Allow the floor to air dry or dry it with a towel.

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