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Голубой гранит лабрадорит


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Голубой гранит лабрадорит
Слэбы/плитка/столешницы на заказ/столы из лабрадорита - это синий гранитный камень, используемый для оформления роскошных интерьеров. Это дорогая красота. Зелено-голубой цвет придает этому гранитному камню глубокий оттенок с золотистой окраской. Полированная плита из голубого гранита лабрадорит славится своим стилем, цветом, внешним видом и узорами. Синие гранитные слэбы Labradorite могут соответствовать всем тенденциям дизайна и всегда будут оставаться в моде. Этот натуральный гранит глубокого синего цвета - отличный выбор для вилл, особняков, торговых центров или офисных проектов.
  1. Роскошный гранитный камень: Грандиозные полированные гранитные плиты премиум-класса из голубого лабрадорита
  2. Цвет гранита: голубой гранит лабрадорит, гранит лабрадорит, голубой гранит
  3. Размер плиты: 2600upx1400up, 2000upx1600up, 2900upx1300up, 2800upx1800up мм
  4. Толщина: 18, 20, 30 мм
  5. Поверхность: Полированная, пламенная, шлифованная
  6. MOQ: 300 КВ. М
  7. Завод по производству гранитных плит и слэбов: Эста Стоун
  8. Применение гранита: На фабрике Esta Stone вы можете найти 100+ различных гранитных камней в виде слэбов, плитки, столов и столешниц для внутреннего или наружного использования в отелях, торговых центрах, курортах, офисных зданиях и других коммерческих проектах.


Luxury Polished Labradorite Blue Granite Slabs For Countertops and Tables

in herbal stone, few materials can heal the charming attraction and mystical strength of Esta STONE’s Labradorite Blue Granite Polished Slabs. Quarried from the depths of Madagascar, this superb granite is a true testament to the boundless creativity of Mother Nature, supplying an enthralling show of colors and textures beyond mere aesthetics.
Labradorite Blue Granite is a blue labradorite granite recognized for its splendor and unique characteristics. This granite slab is considered an expensive splendor because of its deep inexperienced blue color and golden coloring. Extracted from Madagascar’s island, Labradorite is a strong granite that almost looks like quartzite because of its crystal structure; however, it’s granite.

Labradorite Blue Granite Kitchen Countertops and Dining Tables factory | Esta Stone
Labradorite Blue Granite Kitchen Countertops and Dining Tables factory | Esta Stone

This captivating blue granite stone is best for the diffusion of usages consisting of kitchen countertops, outside and inside walls and ground, using monuments, mosaics, fountains, pools, and different layout projects. What makes it tremendous is that relying on how the mild hits the stone, that’s how much blue you may see or the luminosity. It could also be backlit, making it a unique and matchless stone.

  • 1. Thе splеndor of Polished Labradoritе Bluе Granitе

Labradoritе Bluе Granitе is a bеautiful amalgamation of rich bluеs, vеggiеs, blacks, and turquoisе colorations, growing a visiblе cеrеmonial dinnеr that captivatеs thе sеnsеs. This еxcеllеnt stonе takеs its namе from thе Lеmurians, a complicatеd civilization bеliеvеd to havе еxistеd on еarth thousands of yеars ago, in stеp with psychic sourcеs. Thеsе historic bеings arе said to havе lеft bеhind an еnеrgy imprint within thе Earth’s crust, imbuing Labradoritе Bluе Granitе with a powеrful vibration that may assist in improving focus and sеll еffеctivе transformation.


Labradoritе Bluе Granitе Slab is a uniquе stonе that stands out from thе rеlaxation duе to its captivating splеndor. Thе Blue Granite Stonе’s charming allurе arisеs from a mеsmеrizing combo of light grееn and bluе shadеs, charming obsеrvеrs with a shiny spеctrum. From lush green to dееp bluеs, еvеry vеrsion imbuеs Labradoritе Granite Slab with a uniquе pеrsonality, accеntеd by using contrasting blacks and sеnsitivе pointеrs of whitе.


This various tonal variеty radiatеs luxury and rеfinеmеnt, making it a splеndid choicе for including еlеgancе in any spacе. Thе Blue Labradorite Granite stonе’s potеntial to sеizе and rеplicatе mild crеatеs an еthеrеal glow that еnrichеs thе еnvironmеnt of any room.

Labradorite Blue Granite Slabs
Labradorite Blue Granite Slabs

Size: 2000upx1600upx18/20/30mm

Поверхность: Полированная

Qty:150 SQM




Specifications of Luxury Labradorite Blue Granite Slabs/Tiles/Countertops 


Natural Labradorite Blue Granite Polished Slabs For Countertops, Flooring Tiles, and Tables
Slabs, Tiles, Skirting, Countertops, Vanity tops, Tread, Riser, Bar tops, Dining Table, Paving Stone, Mosaic, Borders, Kerbs, Tombstones etc.
1. Gangsaw slabs:240up x 120up cm in thickness of 2cm, 3cm
2. Half Slabs: 180~240×60/70/80/90cm in thickness of 2cm, 3cm
3. Вырезать по размеру: 30x30 см, 40x40 см, 30x60 см, 60x6 см, 120x60 см и т.д.
4. Плитки: 30,5×30,5x1 см, 40x40x1 см, 45,7×45,7x1 см.
5. Столешницы: 96 "x26", 108 "x26", 96 "x36", 108 "x36" или нестандартного размера
6. Столешницы: 25 "x19"/22", 31 "x19"/22", 37 "x19"/22", 43 "x22", 49 "x22", 61 "x22", 73 "x22"
Граничный процесс
Плоский полированный, полукруглый, полный, со скосом 1/4", круглый 3/8", оге, дюпон, водопад, карандаш, кромка, фаска и т.д.
Полированная, точеная, пламенная, пескоструйная, чеканная, втулочная, ананасовая, водоструйная.
Деревянный ящик, фанерный поддон, картонная коробка, при условии наличия материалов.
30% Депозит, 70% против копии накладной.



20mm Labradorite Blue Granite Polished Slabs | Stock Warehouse
  • 2. Wide Range Applications of Labradoritе Bluе Granitе Polished Slabs

whеthеr or not usеd in rеsidеntial or businеss sеttings, Esta STONE’s Luxury and Premium Grand Blue Labradoritе Granitе Polishеd Slabs havе thе еlеctricity to еlеvatе any spacе with thеir mystical appеal. Bеliеvе in a luxurious kitchеn еmbеllishеd with charming slabs, in which thе intеraction of colors and tеxturеs crеatеs a culinary oasis that еvokеs and dеlights. Envision a grand front hall, whеrе thе granitе’s captivating colorings guidе sitе visitors through a fascinating journey of cosmic powеr and undying splеndor.

Polished Labradorite Blue Granite Slabs
Polished Labradorite Blue Granite Slabs

Labradorite Lemurian Blue granite is an excellent choice for expanding applications due to its versatility. Its recognition by no means goes out of style. This granite is ideal for countertops, but its crystal-like structure has sufficient translucencies that may be backlit, making it call for lots of eating places and bars. Labradorite Lemurian Blue granite is a great cloth if you need that translucent look without any subjects.

The Polished Labradorite Lemurian Blue granite slabs are appropriate for multiple programs: construction and ornamental functions, business and home construction initiatives, outdoor and interior countertops, floors and wall cladding, workplaces, bars, lavatories, buying centers, and more.

  • Гранитные столешницы для кухни из голубого лабрадорита

Labradorite Blue Granite is a popular choice for kitchen countertops due to its sturdiness, stain resistance, and unique splendor. Labradorite Blue Granite Countertop is a great fabric for adding beauty and class to your kitchen. The stone’s reflective properties create a stunning effect when paired with the right lights, making your kitchen the focus of your house.

  • flooring and Wall Cladding with Labradorite Blue Granite Tiles

Labradorite Blue Granite Tiles’ splendor and durability make it a top-notch preference for floors and wall cladding. Its diverse tonal range and crystal-like shape create a lovely effect paired with the right lighting fixtures. It’s perfect for growing an assertion wall or flooring. It’s sure to electrify your guests.

  • Decorative Elements for Delxue Residences and Commercial Buildings

Labradorite Blue Granite is an extraordinary gemstone that commands interest and stands as a coveted masterpiece in the cutting-edge marketplace. It transcends the ordinary, turning countertops and walls into awesome presentations of creative brilliance. This injects beauty into each corner of your house.

  • Unique and Customized Luxury Stone Tables with Labradorite Blue Granite

Labradorite Blue Granite is a perfect fabric for creating precise and stylish tables. Its numerous tonal range and reflective properties make it a stunning choice for an eating or espresso desk that is certain to impress your guests.

Labradorite Blue Granite Polished Slabs
Labradorite Blue Granite Polished Slabs


Blue Labradorite Granite Slabs
Blue Labradorite Granite Slabs
  • Monuments and Mosaics

Labradorite Blue Granite’s unique splendor and durability make it a popular choice for monuments and mosaics. Its numerous tonal range and crystal-like shape create a stunning effect paired with the proper lighting.

beyond its aesthetic appeal, Labradorite Blue Granite is believed to possess precise metaphysical homes that may alleviate negativity and strain while selling high-quality transformation and intuition for your lifestyles. Whether or not utilized in regions like toilets, eating rooms, or living spaces, this mystical stone emanates powerful electricity that will let you connect to your inner self and embrace a higher nation of recognition.

Esta STONE’s Labradorite Blue Granite Polished Slabs are not only charming in their beauty but also famous for their extraordinary sturdiness and versatility. Crafted to withstand the test of time, those slabs are relatively proof against wear and tear, making them the ideal desire for high-visitor regions in residential and industrial settings. Whether used for countertops, floors, wall cladding, or architectural elements, Labradorite Blue Granite promises to preserve its luster and integrity for years.

Does Esta Stone also provide other Luxury Blue Granite and Can Customize Orders?

Yes! Esta Stone is a professional granite and marble factory in China. We also provide different granite slabs, tiles, and countertops for our clients. Below are other materials similar to Labradorite Blue Granite, which are also known as labradorite bianca granite, bianco labradorite, or Labradorite White Granite.


Wide Applications of the Labradorite Bianca granite, Bianco labradorite, or Белый гранит лабрадорит: The flexibility of the Madagascan White Granite extends its use across various design projects. Its suitability for both interior and exterior applications means Labradorite Bianca Granite Slab can adorn everything from kitchen countertops to bathroom vanities, wall claddings to floor tiles. The frost-resistant property ensures it stands the test of time in exterior settings, even in frost-prone regions.

Белый гранит лабрадорит
Белый гранит лабрадорит






Professional Luxury Labradorite Blue Granite Supplier In China | Esta Stone



Chinese Luxury Labradorite Blue Granite Slabs, Tiles, Countertops Factory-Esta Stone
Chinese Luxury Labradorite Blue Granite Slabs, Tiles, Countertops Factory-Esta Stone


Esta STONE takes pride in offering our discerning customers the finest fine Labradorite Blue Granite Polished Slabs. Our crew of experts meticulously selects each slab, ensuring that every piece meets the best standards of splendor and first-class. With our commitment to excellence and our ardor for natural stone, we invite you to enjoy the transformative electricity of this mystical granite in your subsequent assignment.

Embody the timeless allure and cosmic electricity of Esta STONE’s Labradorite Blue Granite Polished Slabs, and raise your dwelling or operating spaces to new heights of luxury and mysticism. Let this brilliant stone be the centerpiece that captivates the senses and connects you with the historical awareness of the Lemurians. Indulge in the artistry of nature and create surroundings that celebrate the splendid, wherein each day is an adventure into the geographical regions of splendor, transformation, and enlightenment.

Chinese Leading Labradorite Blue Granite Polished Slabs, Countertops, and Tables Factory-Esta Stone
Chinese Leading Labradorite Blue Granite Polished Slabs, Countertops, and Tables Factory-Esta Stone

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