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Римская плитка из травертина


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Римская плитка из травертина
Материал: Италия Римский бежевый травертин Плиты для облицовки стен
Материал: Римский травертин, бежевый травертин
Стандартные плиты: 2400upx1200up, 2800upx1500up или по желанию заказчика
Толщина: 20, 30 мм
Поверхность: Полированная, шлифованная, матовая
MOQ: 100 КВ. М
Фабрика: Эста Стоун
Применение: Мраморные плиты для изготовления столешниц для кухонь и ванных комнат, а также стеновых панелей


Floor and Wall Paving Projects With Roman Travertine Slabs

Roman Travertine Tiles find remarkable applications in the world of house building: it is frequently used to realize flooring and coverings, both inside and outside, or to realize inside staircases, floors, sinks, and kitchens. Roman Travertine Tiles' warm tones effortlessly combine with various sorts of clothing.

The Roman Travertine Tiles have a homogeneous light beige color and distinct qualities. Its considerable porosity emphasizes the natural stone's individuality, recalling classical and baroque structures in Rome. Roman Classic Travertine Tiles can be stuccoed using cement, putty, or clear resin, then brushed, sanded, or polished. The Roman Beige Travertine Tiles are thus a chameleon-like material, both classic and modern, suitable for both interior and outdoor applications.

1: Технические характеристики травертина от Esta Stone 

The Roman Travertine Vein Cut Tile is a Signorino characteristic beige stone. Travertine's timeless beauty and permanence are best demonstrated in Rome and structures such as the Callosum.

1. Material:


 Roman Beige Travertine Tiles For High-End Interior and Exterior Projects

2. Color:


3. Finish:

polished, honed, brushed, flamed, etc.

4. Application:

Skirting, Tread & Riser stairs, Bollard, Column, Curbstone, Paving, Flooring, etc

Wall cladding Cube, Border, etc

Window sill, kitchen top, countertop, Vanity top, Worktop, etc

Statues, Tomb Monuments, etc

5. Edge processing:

Bush-Hammer, Flat, Flamed, etc.

Eased, Beveled, Bull nose, etc

Ogee, Cove, Dupont, French edge,
laminated, non-laminated, etc

6. Sizes:

24''x24'', 12''x24'', 12''x12'' According to your request

7. lead time:

Two weeks for the first container 

In the market, there are three kinds of Roman Travertine Marble. They are from different countries, namely, Italy, Turkey, and Mexico. Without a doubt, the Italian Roman Travertine is the most authentic. We can supply all Roman Travertines, but here we pay all attention to the Italian one.

2: More Travertine Slabs Photos from Factory

Travertine Technical Sheet

Область применения: наружные и внутренние поверхности.

Цвет: бежевый

Тип: Мрамор

Масса на единицу объема: 2450 кг/м3

Предел прочности при простом сжатии: 1110 кг/см2

Прочность на изгиб: 145 кг/см2

Коэффициент имбибиции: 0,75%

ФАКТОРИЯ римского травертина


Travertine surfaces are highly resilient and can last a lifetime. It is no coincidence that travertine was the material used for building many of the constructions of Roman times which are still standing today. Great versatility and variety of formats: travertines are perfect for cladding floors, walls, and facades as well as for manufacturing countertops, shower trays, and washbasins.

Плиты из травертина от Esta Stone

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