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Гватемальский мрамор Verde


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Гватемальский мрамор Verde

Гватемальский мрамор Indian Verde - хорошо известный зеленый мрамор, цвет которого может варьироваться от сине-зеленого до темно-зеленого. Поставляется в виде хонингованных или полированных плит. Великолепная натуральная поверхность, которая может использоваться для различных внутренних работ, в том числе во влажных помещениях.

Изделия из натурального мрамора: Индийский природный зеленый камень Verde Гватемала мраморные плиты

Цвета мрамора: Зеленый мраморный камень

Размеры напольной и настенной плитки: 12′ X 12′, 12′ X 24′, 24′ X 24′ и т.д.
Толщина: 10, 18, 20, 30 мм
Поверхность: Полированная, шлифованная 
MOQ: 300 КВ. М

Завод по производству плитки из натурального мрамора: Esta Stone

Применение: Esta Stone предлагает 100+ натуральных мраморных камней для отделки полов и стен в гостиницах, торговых центрах, спа-центрах, офисных зданиях и ресторанах.


Indian Natural Green Stone Verde Guatemala Marble Slabs  

The dark green stone that makes up our Verde Guatemala Marble slabs is from India and is a timeless classic. With a beautiful pattern of black and dark green veins, it gives a vivid green background.

Verde Guatemala Marble is a very beautiful sample of green stone marbles. It isquarried in India and it takes the name ‘Verde’ since it means green in some languages like Spanish and Italian.

In the market, it is also known by a variety of other names, including Green Guatemala Marble, Guatemalan Green Marble, India Green Marble, Udapiur Green Marble, Verde Guatemala Indiano, Verdi Guatemala Marble, Vert Guatemala, Rajasthan Green Marble, and Vert de Rajastan. Both interior and outdoor applications are advised. It can be chosen for wall covering, flooring, stair covering, pool capping, window sills, making fountains and sinks, creating kitchen and bathroom counters, creating bar tops, and many other various tasks as it pleases. For those who adore the color green, in particular, its striking green surface is an absolute attention grabber. It looks really elegant and classy because to the veiny appearance on its smooth surface.

The organic stone of these Verde Guatemala Marble slabs is braided with a magnificent array of black veining and green tones. The canvas, in comparison, has a faint white hue to it that gives it a whimsical feel. These slabs, which have a basic honed surface and a 20mm thickness, might be used for a variety of purposes, including the splashback, island, and tabletop in the kitchen. Marble is a natural stone that comes in a variety of color shades and often has a pronounced veining pattern with lavish swirls and areas of contrasting colors to make it appear so opulent and wealthy.

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Dimensions of Natural Green Stone Verde Guatemala Marble Slabs 

Natural Green Stone Verde Guatemala Marble Slabs
Плита: 2800 x 1800 мм, 2800 x 1600 мм, 2600 x 1600 мм, 2500 x 1500 мм, 2400 x 1400 мм, 2400 x 1200 мм.
Плитка: 305 x 305 мм, 305 x 610 мм, 610 x 610 мм и т.д.
Резка по размерам: 300 x 300 мм, 300 x 600 мм, 600 x 600 мм и т.д.
Другие размеры по индивидуальному запросу.
Полированная, хонингованная, пламенная, водоструйная, лессированная.
Деталь упаковки
1) Плита: пластик внутри + прочная морская деревянная обвязка снаружи
2) Облицовка: пенопласт внутри + прочные морские деревянные ящики с усиленными ремнями снаружи
3) Столешница: пенопласт внутри + прочные морские деревянные ящики с усиленными ремнями снаружи
Обеспечение качества: В течение всего производственного процесса, от выбора материала, изготовления до упаковки, наши специалисты по контролю качества будут строго контролировать каждый отдельный процесс, чтобы гарантировать соблюдение стандартов качества и своевременную доставку.
Срок поставки: 7 дней на один контейнер.

Мин. заказ: 300 КВ. М
Ценовая позиция: FOB Сямэнь, Китай. Или мы можем отправить груз по запросу клиента.
Оплата: 30% Депозит перед производством, 70% Баланс перед отгрузкой.

Плиты из гватемальского мрамора Indian Verde 








Introduction of Indian Verde Guatemala Marble Slabs:
The alluring natural stone Verde Guatemala Marble, often referred to as Green Udaipur Marble, is quarried in the Udaipur district of Rajasthan, India. It is prized for its deep green hue and distinctive veining patterns, which make it a popular option for a variety of interior and exterior design applications.

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The vivid green color of Verde Guatemala Marble is its most distinguishing feature. It comes in a variety of green hues, from light to dark, and frequently combines many tones within a single slab. A dynamic and visually appealing image that is reminiscent of lush forests and natural landscapes is produced by the variance in green tones.


Indian Verde Guatemala Marble Slabs Factory


Завод по производству напольной и настенной плитки из натурального деревянного мрамора | esta Stone

The beautiful veining patterns of Verde Guatemala Marble are one of its distinguishing characteristics. These patterns can range from subtle and delicate veining to bolder and more obvious veining, and they give the stone’s appearance depth and personality. The veins can have glimpses of white, grey, or even golden hues in addition to complimentary green tones, which adds to the marble’s allure.

Verde Guatemala Marble is frequently offered with a polished finish, which brings out the stone’s natural shine and delicate nuances. Any environment gains a touch of class and elegance because to the polished surface’s smooth, reflected appearance. Depending on desired aesthetic, honed and brushed finishes are additional choices that offer a more muted and matte effect.

Verde Guatemala Marble is frequently used for countertops, flooring, wall cladding, and ornamental accents because of its alluring color and distinctive veining. Due to its inherent beauty and adaptability, it may enhance a variety of interior and external settings and lend a touch of luxury to designs ranging from traditional to contemporary.

Verde Guatemala Marble should be cleaned on a regular basis with a gentle, pH-neutral cleaner to preserve its brilliance. Avoiding the use of abrasive or acidic cleaners that can harm the stone is crucial. A sealer can be applied to the marble to help prevent stains and preserve its glossy appearance.

In summary, Verde Guatemala Marble is a stunning natural stone quarried in the Udaipur region of India. With its vibrant green color, intricate veining patterns, and polished finish, it brings a sense of natural beauty and elegance to interior and exterior design projects.  

History of Verde Guatemala Marble
Verde Guatemala Marble is like the original dark green chlorite schist from Sierra de las Minas, Zacapa, Guatemala, and is now called Verde Guatemala. This stone is traded and produced under many names.

Products: Suitable for construction projects, both commercial and domestic, prefabricated countertops/worktops, vanities, tiles, backsplashes, paving, fireplaces, and memorials.

Surface Finish: Verde Guatemala Marble looks best with a gloss polished surface but is also available as honed, leather/satin, river-washed/antique, thermal/flamed, brushed, and sandblast finish.

Sealing: Test with a small sample. It is possible that a sealant can be used on Verde Guatemala; however, excessive attempts at sealing it could create a residue film build-up.


Marble is made entirely of calcium carbonate, or CaCO3, and is a metamorphosed limestone. Marble is a great material for sculpture and construction stone because to its softness, relative isotropy, and homogeneity.

Despite the fact that marble is made from limestone, any fossils that may have been present in the limestone are often destroyed by the temperatures and pressures required to create marble.

The word “marble” comes from the Greek word “marmaros,” which means “a shining stone” [source: OED2]. Additionally, this stem serves as the foundation for the English term marmoreal, which means “marble-like.” Marble is supposedly connected to the astrological sign of Gemini.

A symbol of purity is a piece of pure white marble. Additionally, it is a symbol of immortality and a guarantee of academic success.

Поставщик деревянных мраморных полов | Esta Stone

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