Профессиональная фабрика по производству плитки и столешниц из камня

Crystalline marble slab


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Кристаллический мрамор

Кристаллический мрамор

Кристаллический мрамор

For generations, people have been enthralled with white crystalline marble due to its unspoiled beauty and classic style. This magnificent natural stone has a long history and is used extensively in construction, sculpture, and design. It was created by metamorphic processes that occurred deep below the Earth’s crust. We shall examine the properties, formation, and practical applications of white crystalline marble in this extensive introduction, along with its cultural and economic significance. 
Color: white marble slab, white crystalline marble
Size: 300×600, 600×600, 600×150, 457×457, 800×800 mm
Толщина: 1,8 см, 2 см, 3 см и т.д.
Поверхность: Полированная, хонингованная, пламенная, лессированная
MOQ: 300 КВ. М
белый камень мрамор : ESTA STONE
Usages: Our white marble подходит для резки плитки для кухни и ванной комнаты, внутренних и наружных стен, фасадов.

Application: Esta Stone offers 50+ white marble for Hotel, Villa, Apartment, Office Building, Hospital, Mall, Sports Venues, Leisure Facilities, Supermarket, warehouse, workshop, park, farmhouse, and courtyard kitchen and bathroom projects.

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