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Sivec polaris pure white marble
Sivec Marble, also known as Sivec Polaris Pure White Marble, is well-known for its flawless white look and superior quality. Because of its ageless beauty and adaptability, this natural stone has long been a favorite in the fields of architecture and design. Sivec Marble is a kind of dolomitic marble that comes from the quarries of Macedonia and is prized for its distinctive qualities and visual attractiveness.
Color: marble slab, Sivec pure white
Size: 300×600, 600×600, 600×150, 457×457, 800×800 mm
Толщина: 1,8 см, 2 см, 3 см и т.д.
Поверхность: Полированная, хонингованная, пламенная, лессированная
MOQ: 300 КВ. М
белый камень мрамор : ESTA STONE
Usages: Our Sivec White Marble подходит для резки плитки для кухни и ванной комнаты, внутренних и наружных стен, фасадов.
Application: Esta Stone offers Sivec White Marble for Hotel, Villa, Apartment, Office Building, Hospital, Mall, Sports Venues, Leisure Facilities, Supermarket, warehouse, workshop, park, farmhouse, and courtyard kitchen and bathroom projects.