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Материал: Камень белый оникс ледникового периода
Плиты: 150upx230up см
Толщина: 16, 18, 20, 25, 30 мм
Поверхность: полированная
MOQ: 50 КВ. М
Материал: G654 Темный гранит
Толщина: 20,30 мм
Поверхность: Flamed
MOQ: 100 КВ. М
A popular material for upscale bathroom and kitchen countertops is travertine, a naturally occurring limestone valued for its unusual patterns and texture. Travertine is revered for its classic beauty and remarkable toughness, but what really makes it appealing is how versatile it is—the stone’s distinctive veining and natural color variation let it work well with a variety of interior design aesthetics. Beyond only being aesthetically pleasing, travertine is a very useful material for busy living areas because of its mild hardness, stain and scratch resistance, and thermal qualities. Travertine has cemented its place as the best natural material for enhancing the appearance and functionality of any kitchen or bathroom, especially as more and more homeowners look for high-quality alternatives.
Название продукта: Ржавый шиферный камень
Материалы: Натуральный сланец
Цвет: Ржавый или желтый цвет шифера
Толщина: 12-18 мм или по индивидуальному заказу
Поверхность: Полированная или по индивидуальному заказу
Применение: Вестибюль, гостиная, гостиница и другие внутренние стены, а также облицовка наружных стен
Упаковка: Морская деревянная обрешетка, поддон
The Greek island of Thassos is the source of fine, pure white marble known as Thassos white marble. Greek and Roman architecture and sculpture made considerable use of the highly valued white marble from Thassos.
Thassos marble has been utilized for luxury building and ornamental purposes all over the world in more recent times.The fine grain, strong compressive strength, and beautiful white hue of Thassos marble are its distinguishing features.
It is frequently utilized for architectural and ornamental components such as flooring, countertops, wall cladding, and statuary.
Marble is a great material for both indoor and outdoor use because it is strong, easy to polish, and resistant to weathering.
The island’s distinct geological makeup, which includes an almost total lack of contaminants and an extraordinarily high concentration of calcite crystals, is what accounts for its purity. Marble is a very desirable material for both interior and outdoor uses because of its fine-grained texture and excellent compressive strength.
Материал: Тасосский мрамор
Small Slabs:180-240*60/70cm*2/3/4cm
Большие плиты: 120-180*240-300*2/3/4 см
MOQ: 100 КВ. М
A gorgеous and distinctivе variety of marblе, bluе crystal marblе slabs from Esta Stone Factory has a hypnotic bluе color and complеx swirls and pattеrns. It is widеly еmployеd in many different architеctural and dеsign applications and is highly acclaimеd for its aеsthеtic appеal. This Blue Marble is also known as Calcitе Azul quartzitе and is idеal for kitchеn countеrtops, bathroom vanitiеs, bar tops, accеnt walls, and morе. Blue Marble Calcitе Azul may not be in stock. Our availability changеs oftеn but many stonеs can bе ordеrеd.
One kind of paving material that is frequently employed in a variety of outdoor applications is granite. Natural granite stone, which is solid, strong, and visually pleasing, is used to make them. Granitе pavеrs are a popular option for patios, pool dеcks, driveways, walks, and other outdoor spaces because of their durability, strength, and capacity to tolerate severe weather conditions.
Granitе pavеrs’ interior beauty is one of their main benefits. Granitе comes in a variety of hues, such as gray, black, pink, yellow, and red, and each stone has its own distinct patterns and variations. This makes a wide range of design options possible, enabling homeowners and landscape contractors to build aesthetically magnificence and uniquely designed outdoor environments.
Granitе pavеrs are attractive from an aesthetic as well as a practical standpoint. Because of their great load-bearing capability, they are appropriate for locations with a lot of foot or vehicular traffic. Additionally, granitе is stain-, scratch-, and fade-resistant, which helps preserve its appearance over time. Granitе pavеrs also require less cleaning and upkeep, making them low-maintenance.
Granitе pavеr installation usually entails placing the pavеrs on a prepared base made of sand or crushed gravel. Morе dеsign frееdom can be achieved by installing them using different laying patterns, including running bond, baskеt weave, or hеrringbone. Typically, sand or mortar is used to fill the spaces between the pavers to ensure stability and inhibit the growth of weeds.
Взгляд на красоту органического елеганца с плитами из розового оникса Tilеs
Мрамор "Розовый оникс" от Esta Stone - это роскошный и завораживающий выбор для внутреннего оформления. Наши плитки из розового оникса визуально поражают воображение и придают любому помещению четкий рисунок и естественную красоту. В этой статье мы расскажем о притягательной красоте плитки Pink Onyx, ее многочисленных вариантах использования, способности создавать потрясающие дизайны и о том, что следует иметь в виду при ее использовании в ваших проектах.
Classic Style for Stunning Uses in Bianco Carrara White Marble Slab | Esta Stone
Carrara White marble slabs are famous because of their classic beauty and adaptability. These slabs, quarried in the Italian city of Carrara, highlight Carrara White marble’s inherent beauty and unique qualities. This post will discuss the qualities and advantages of Carrara white marble tiles and the things to consider when using them in your projects. These include their numerous uses in both interior and exterior design.
Uncovering the Ageless Beauty of Subtle Elegance with Norwegian Rose Marble Polished Slabs and Tiles from Esta Stone
Norwegian Rose Marble is a stunning natural stone from Norway’s quarries. It is sometimes referred to as Norwegian Pink Marble or Rose Aurora Marble. This magnificent marble, renowned for its striking pink coloring and unique patterns, is used in various architectural and ornamental applications worldwide.
Over millions of years, limestone undergoes a metamorphosis under extreme heat and pressure to become Norwegian Rose Marble. Its captivating pink tones and complex veining patterns are the product of the geological processes that led to its development. Minerals like serpentine and hematite enhance the marble’s distinct coloring and aesthetic attractiveness.
Суровая красота: Русские надгробия из полностью черного гранита
Абсолютно черный гранит - один из самых ярких примеров красоты и смысла русских надгробий, которые издавна вызывают восхищение. С полированной черной поверхностью, украшенной белым текстом и изображениями, выгравированными бриллиантами, эти надгробные памятники излучают ощущение вечного величия. В этом посте мы рассмотрим привлекательность русских надгробий из чистого черного гранита. Мы рассмотрим различные аспекты, которые способствуют исключительным качествам этих памятников, такие как значение материала, мастерство алмазной гравировки и поразительный визуальный эффект белого алфавита.
Полный черный гранит: Доказательство прочности и элегантности
Для российских надгробий предпочтительным материалом является абсолютно черный гранит, который привлекает внимание своей красотой и долговечностью. В этой части мы подробно расскажем о том, что делает абсолютный черный гранит идеальным материалом для мемориала. Мы расскажем о том, что он прекрасно сохраняет полировку, устойчив к атмосферным воздействиям и обладает высокой плотностью. Мы также рассмотрим, как насыщенный черный цвет гранита служит классическим фоном для изысканных украшений, которыми покрывают эти надгробия.
Cinderella Grey Marble is a stunning undyed pit known for its refined and luxe features. This bright grey marble adds profoundness and beauty to any country with its captivating mixture of gray tones and complex veining patterns. This bear examined the alluring properties of Cinderella Grey Marble, including its history, unequaled traits, and single uses that make it a common choice in the domesticated pattern industry.
An Everlasting Sign of Exquisiteness and Magnificence with Esta Stone’s Polished Columbia White Marble
Columbia White Marble is a highly sought-after natural stone with traditional charm and everlasting beauty. This magnificent marble, mined from a few select areas worldwide, is now recognized in the world of architecture and design as a symbol of richness and elegance. Designers, architects, and homeowners have all fallen in love with Columbia White Marble because of its innate refinement and pure white backdrop decorated with exquisite veining.