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Andromeda biela žulová doska do kúpeľne


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Andromeda biela žulová doska do kúpeľne

Biela žula Andromeda je viac než len stavebný materiál; je to elegantná voľba, ktorá povýši akýkoľvek interiér na vyššiu úroveň sofistikovanosti. Rozsah použitia, od kuchynských dosiek až po kúpeľňové dosky, zdôrazňuje jeho všestrannosť. Majiteľom domov a interiérovým dizajnérom ponúka brilantný spôsob, ako oživiť priestory, a zároveň zaručuje odolnosť a dlhodobú krásu.

Kúpeľňová doska Položka: Kúpeľňové dosky Andromeda White Granite Single alebo Double Oval Sink 

Farby žuly: Andromeda White Granite, Biela žula
Veľkosť žulovej kuchynskej dosky: 28 "x96", 96 "x26", 96 "x25-1/2", 78 "x25-1/2"

Veľkosť žulovej kúpeľňovej dosky: 25 "* 22", 31 "* 22", 37 "* 22", 49 "* 22" atď;
Hrúbka: 20, 30 mm
Povrch: Leštený, brúsený, kožený
MOQ: 100 sád

Profily okrajov pracovnej dosky: Laminovaná doska, hrany Ogee, DuPont, hrany, skosené alebo iné.

Kuchyňa a kúpeľňa Žulová doska Factory: Esta Stone


Andromeda White Granite Single or Double Sinks Bathroom Countertops

The versatility and elegance of Andromeda white granite have made it a highly sought-after choice for interior décor projects. The striking appearance, with flecks of gold swirling across a white base and a spectrum of hues from bright white to off-white, enriches any space andromeda white granite bathroom countertops graces with a touch of nature and a feel of luxury.

Whether for residential or commercial uses, Andromeda white polished granite is not just a material, but a creative medium to add panache to spaces. From kitchen countertops to bathroom vanity tops, the stone’s inherent beauty and robustness make it a reliable and stylish solution for various interior décor projects. Its adaptability is noteworthy, allowing it to seamlessly blend with any home decor or style, be it traditional, modern, or a blend of both.

Andromeda white granite kitchen and bathroom countertops supplier-esta stone

-Unveiling the Versatility of Andromeda White Granite: Aesthetic Excellence for Interior Design

Consider the impact of Andromeda white granite countertops in the kitchen, the heart of any home. This stunning material serves as the perfect canvas to express your culinary creativity, with its resistance to heat, stains, and scratches ensuring it remains beautiful for years. While the kitchen may be a functional space, the aesthetics should not be compromised. With Andromeda white granite, you get a balance of functionality and beauty.

Bathrooms, another crucial area in any home, benefit equally from the use of Andromeda white granite. Whether you choose a single sink or double rectangular vanity countertop, this unique stone brings a level of sophistication and timeless appeal to your bathroom. Andromeda white granite vanity tops, when paired with well-thought-out fixtures and accents, can transform any bathroom into a personal spa-like retreat.

YouTube video

Specification of Granite Countertops 



Obvykle leštené

Dostupná veľkosť:







1) dosky: 2800up x 1600up x 20/30 mm

2) Malé dosky (pásy):

600/700/800/900 mm x 1800up x 18/20/30 mm atď.

3) Rez na veľkosť:

300x300mm, 600x600mm, 300x600mm, 300x900mm, 1200x600mm, etc.  Thickness 18/20/30mm

4) Step: 100-150×30-35×2/3cm

5) Riser: 100-150×15-20x2cm

6)Tile: 12″x12″x3/8″, 18″x18″x1/2″ or other sizes

7) Vrchné časti:

For Vanity Tops: 25″x19″/22″, 31″x19″/22″, 24”x36”, 26”x36”, 22”x34”, 37″x19″/22″, 49″x19″/22″, 61″x19″/22″ etc.(single or double sinks)

 Pre kuchyňu a pult:

28”x96”, 96″x26″, 96″x25-1/2″, 78″x25-1/2″, 78″x26″, 72″x26″, 36”x78”, 108”x25.5”, 108”x26”, 108”x28” etc.

 Pre pultový polostrov:

 36”x78”, 39”x78”, 28”x78” etc.

 Pre pultový snack bar:

 12”x78”, 15”x78”, 98”x18”, 108”x18” etc.

 Pre umývadlo a drez:

420x150mm, 440x150mm, 430x160mm, 180x115mm etc.


3/4” or 1.5” or others can be available to your requirements 

High Customized Sizes of Granite Bathroom Countertops For Hotel Projects


The strength of Andromeda white granite extends beyond countertops and vanity tops. It is also a brilliant choice for floor and wall applications, where it enhances the ambiance with its subtle yet captivating tones and textures.Andromeda White Granite Double Sink Vanity Tops

Though Andromeda white granite single sink vanity top is robust, caring for it ensures its beauty endures. Regular cleaning with mild soaps or specific granite-formulated cleaners, along with periodic sealing, can ensure your stone remains in pristine condition. Furthermore, quickly wiping off spills and using trivets or hot pads can prevent potential stains or scratches.

Sizing for interior decoration projects varies depending on the requirements, but typically, slabs and countertops come in 2cm and 3cm thicknesses. The size of the slabs can range from 180cm to 310cm in length, and 60cm to 190cm in width, offering flexibility for different applications.

Whether for a private house decoration or commercial project, Andromeda white granite bathroom vanity top stands as a symbol of elegance and durability. Its use across various spaces does not just make them more functional but visually appealing, inviting, and luxurious. The visual symphony of light colors, gold flecks, and swirls across the white base makes Andromeda white granite a truly mesmerizing choice for any interior decoration project.

Designers and owners of residences and hotel bathroom projects in the USA and Canada favor the use of white granite, such as Andromeda white granite, in conjunction with single oval or double rectangular undermounted sink designs for a variety of reasons.

Firstly, the color palette and texture of Andromeda granite offer an aesthetic appeal that fits seamlessly into many design styles. Andromeda is a white granite, intermingled with silver-grey, black, light beige, and even burgundy specs which give it a unique and luxurious appearance. As it pairs well with both dark and light cabinets, it can easily complement different design aesthetics, from modern minimalism to rustic chic, granting versatility to the designer or owner.

Next, the physical properties of Andromeda granite vanity countertops also contribute to its popularity. It is extremely durable, requiring little long-term care. Its surface is relatively easy to clean with stone care and cleaning products, and periodic sealing can maintain its look for years. These properties make it an ideal material for bathrooms, which are prone to splashes and spills.

The use of white Andromeda granite can also impact the perception of space. Light colors, like those found in Andromeda white granite, can visually expand a space, making any room, including bathrooms, appear more spacious and inviting. This is particularly important in places like hotel bathrooms, where creating a luxurious and comfortable environment is often a key design goal.

The preference for undermounted sink designs may stem from their streamlined and sleek look, which lends a modern touch to the bathroom. Undermounted sinks are attached beneath the countertop, providing a seamless transition from countertop to sink. This not only creates a clean, uncluttered appearance but also makes cleaning easier as there is no lip where dirt and grime can build up.

Moreover, the choice between single oval sinks and double rectangular sinks depends on the intended functionality and space available. Single oval sinks are often chosen for their classic design and space-saving qualities, ideal for smaller bathrooms or where simplicity is desired. Conversely, double rectangular sinks provide additional functional space and are often used in larger bathrooms or master suites for added convenience and luxury.

The preference for Andromeda white granite with undermounted single or double sinks in residential and hotel bathrooms in the USA and Canada is driven by factors related to aesthetics, durability, space perception, and functionality.

Single Oval Sink Andromeda White Granite bathroom worktops

Single Sink Voal Andromeda White Granite Bathroom Countertops

Chinese Fabricated Granite Countertops Factory | Esta Stone


Professional Granite Countertops Supplier-Esta Stone

Žulové dosky sú prírodným materiálom, ktorý vzniká pôsobením tepla a tlaku v priebehu času, a neexistujú dva úplne rovnaké kamene.

are highly scratch and heat resistant.

Unquie vzory a farby, s úžasnou trvanlivosťou a životnosťou, a prichádza vo viac ako 54 SQ FT dosiek, ktoré vám môžu ušetriť asi 10 až 40% z vášho projektu (v porovnaní s kremeňom).


Mramor je trvanlivý kameň odolný voči teplu; treba s ním však zaobchádzať opatrne. Je oveľa poréznejší ako žula a kremeň a nepriaznivo reaguje na drsné čistiace materiály, ktoré nemajú neutrálne pH, a na akékoľvek kvapaliny alebo rozliate potraviny, ktoré obsahujú vysoký obsah kyselín.

Hoci je mramor nesporne krásny, ľahko sa poškriabe a omráči, a to aj po zapečatení. Ako príklad vám uvedieme, že voda rozliata a ponechaná príliš dlho na mramorovom pulte spôsobí škvrnu, ak sa okamžite neutrie. Napriek tomu je väčšina mramorových škvŕn sotva viditeľná a zvyčajne ich možno spozorovať len pri pohľade na povrch z určitého uhla.

Professional Granite Countertops Factory-Esta Stone

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