Profesionálne kamenné dlaždice a dosky na mieru

Kuchyňa Calacatta Quartzite


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Kuchyňa Calacatta Quartzite
Materiál: Calacata Grey alebo Super White Quartzite
Size:Countertop custom size or standard 96"x26"
Hrúbka: 20,30 mm
Povrch: Leštený
MOQ: 50 sád


Super White Quartzite Calacatta Grey Kitchen Countertops Projects

Calacatta quartzite is a crosscut quartzite from Brazil. The vein cut version is called Macaubus White. These white quartzites resemble the Italian Calacatta marbles in appearance, but they are much more durable. They can be used for kitchen countertops without having the scratching and etching issues experienced with marble. This natural super white quartzite stone resembles a marble but has the durability of granite. Although it is primarily white, the delicate gray veining brings a high level of sophistication that exudes elegance and luxury with Calacatta Quartzite Kitchen. Calacatta Quartzite is suitable for bathroom countertops and wall applications.

Calacatta Quartzite Kitchen countertops bring elegance and beauty to kitchens and baths spaces. The soft white background is complemented with smoky gray veins to create movement. This beautiful Brazilian natural Calacatta quartzite is suitable for countertops in both residential and commercial properties and is recommended for use on floors and walls. 

Calacatta Macaubas Quartzite countertops bring elegance and beauty to kitchens and baths. The soft white background is complemented with smoky gray veins to create movement. This beautiful Brazilian natural quartzite is suitable for countertops in both residential and commercial properties, and recommended for use on floors and walls. 2 CM and 3 CM slabs are available.

Názov produktu

Professional Factory Calacatta Infinity White Quartzite for Countertop Design



Bežné veľkosti







Doska  Veľkosť

1800(až) x 600(až) mm

2400(až) x 1200(až) mm

2800(až) x 1500(až) mm atď.


15 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm atď.





305 x 305 mm alebo 12" x 12"

400 x 400 mm alebo 16" x 16"

457 x 457 mm alebo 18" x 18"

600 x 600 mm alebo 24" x 24" atď.


10mm,12mm,15mm,18mm,20mm,25mm, etc




 96" x 26", 76 "x36", 98 "x26", 108" x 26"
Thk  3/4", 3/8", 1/2"


Vanity Tops


Veľkosť 25 "x22" , 31 "x22", 37 "x22" , 49 "x22",60 "x22"
Thk  3/4", 3/8", 1/2"
Materiál  Kremenec


Povrchová úprava

 Leštený, brúsený, starožitný, umývaný kyselinou, vodoodpudivý, plamenný atď.

Tolerancia hrúbky

  ±1 mm Cena EXW, FOB, CNF, vyjednávanie


  Vnútorné a vonkajšie  Prístav Prístav Xiamen

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