Carrara Mixed White Thassos Waterjet Art Flower Marble Mosaic Wall Tile
The Marble Flower Mosaic Tile by using a waterjet CNC machine, with mixed 2 different white marble to form the amazing look. The stamen is round and made of Greek Thassos white marble, while the petals are made of Italian Carrara white marble, blank articulated out of the same applying pure white marble patchwork. The whole mosaic has such a gray and white reflect each other.
Marble mosaic especially white marble mosaic is made of natural white marble stone through special processing and without adding any chemical dyes and has a long history in the building stone industry.
White Marble Flower Mosaic Tile its single unit area is small, has a wide variety of colors, with an endless combination of ways, it can be the designer's shape and design inspiration to the fullest, to show its unique artistic charm and personality temperament. It is widely used in hotels, restaurants, bars, stations, swimming pools, entertainment venues, home walls, and floors, as well as artistic parquet and so on.
Veľkosť hárku | 284×328mm |
Farba | Biela |
Hrúbka | 10 mm |
Surface treatment | Leštený |
Názov produktu | Carrara Mixed White Thassos Waterjet Art Flower Marble Mosaic Tile |
Používanie | Kitchen, wall, bathroom |
Balík | 11 sheets per box, 63 boxes per pallet, 20 pallets per container. |
Názov značky | Esta Stone |
Do you deliver worldwide?
We ship via DHL, UPS, and Aramex Worldwide Delivery. We cover all the countries. For large orders, please contact us for an airfreight or sea freight quotation.
Can we install the mosaics in swimming pools, bathrooms, or outdoor?
Naše mozaiky sú vyrobené z prírodného farebného mramoru, takže sú odolné voči akýmkoľvek poveternostným podmienkam, ľadu, slnku atď... Možno ich inštalovať do bazénov alebo na miesta s vysokou návštevnosťou. Viac informácií nájdete v časti Trvanlivosť mozaiky a mozaika vs. počasie.