Brazil Super White Calacatta Grey Quartzite Slabs pre Wall Hanging and Countertops
Super White Quartzite Slabs (Calacatta Grey Stone or Super White Quartzite) imported from Brazil belong to the natural quartz Series in Brazil. In China, the plates are called marble, so this grey quartzite made of quartz also has the name marble grey Calacatta quartzite
Gray itself is low-key, inclusive, introverted, and has texture, which deduces a unique temperament. In the complex world, it can show a kind of tranquility, not too dazzling, so that people's wandering hearts can calm down. Secondly, the post-80s and post-90s like to be independent, simple, and fashionable. Gray is very brilliant in the use of modern home decoration.
Super White Quartzite Slabs is a natural material from Brazil, although it is called white quartzite, it is just a pure grey color quartzite, with dark veins across the surface. It’s almost like calacatta white veins, but the base color is gray, so sometimes, people called it calacatta grey quartzite.
This is a super durable quartzite material for interior decoration projects and can install any spaces of the home, hotel, commercial projects, office table, bar tops.
Calacatta Grey Quartzite Stone stuns with its clean grey elegant colors and striking through-body veining. Perfect for creating show-stopping quartzite countertops and waterfall islands in kitchens, backsplashes, showers, and floors—in both residential and commercial environments
Calacatta Quartzite countertops bring elegance and beauty to kitchens and baths. The soft white background is complemented with smoky gray veins to create movement. This beautiful Brazilian natural quartzite is suitable for countertops in both residential and commercial properties, and recommended for use on floors and walls. 2 CM and 3 CM slabs are available.
Rýchle informácie |
Záruka: |
Názov kameňa: |
Super White Quartzite |
Popredajný servis: |
Online technická podpora |
Typ: |
Kremencový kameň |
Schopnosť riešenia projektu: |
Iné |
Materiál: |
Prírodný kremenec |
Miesto pôvodu: |
Brazília |
farba: |
Šedá |
Názov značky: |
Esta Stone |
Veľkosť: |
Prispôsobená veľkosť |
Číslo modelu: |
Grey Quartzite |
Dokončené: |
Leštený |
Použitie: |
Interiérové obklady, dosky |
Hrúbka: |
10 mm - 30 mm |
Typ mramoru: |
Prírodný kameň |
cena: |
konkurenčné |
Forma kameňa: |
Kremenná kuchynská doska a márnosť |
Kvalita: |
Superior |
Super White Quartzite is a light-colored stone – a compact, coarse metamorphic rock. Quartzite Super White possesses small to intense veins in light, medium, or dark colors. Shades may vary from white to really light tones of beige or gray. In its purest form, Super White Quartzite is as white as marble and can be confused with a Super white marble slab. However, the impurities give Super White quartzite some amazing patterns and swirls.
The tabletop effect made of Super White Quartzite, the gray noble temperament, and the unique grain effect of Super White Quartzite makes the whole space atmosphere on a style. Whether it's from the kitchen table or the dining table to the washbasin. Fish maw grey high-grade grey marble luxury visual enjoyment!
Popular standard size
(We can cut different sizes according to the customer's requirement.)
1) Slab: 250upx130up , 240upx60,70,80,90cm
2) Floor & wall cladding: 60×60(24''x24'') , 30.5×30.5(12''x12''), 45.7×45.7(18''x18'')
3) Stairs step & riser: 150x33x3 & 150x15x2cm
4) Kitchen countertop & vanity top : 96''x26''x2 & 49''x22''x2cm
Dlaždice |
Doska |
Kuchynská doska |
Márnosť Top |
12 "x12" |
1000(až)*600(až) |
96 "x36" |
25 "x22" |
24 "X12" |
1000(až)*700(až) |
96 "x25 1/2" |
31 "x19"/22" |
24 "x24" |
1000(až)*900(až) |
96 "x16" |
37 "x19"/22" |
18 "X18" |
1800(až)*1200(až) |
78 "x36" |
49 "x19"/22" |
400*400 |
2400(až)*1200(až) |
78 "x25 1/2" |
61 "x19"/22" |
800*800 |
Podľa vašej požiadavky |
72 "x36" |
73 "x19"/22" |
Podľa vašej požiadavky |
Podľa vášho nákresu |
Hrúbka: 10 mm; 12 mm; 15 mm; 18 mm; 20 mm; 25 mm; 30 mm; 35 mm; 40 mm; 45 mm; 50 mm; atď. |
Super White Quartzite is an increasingly popular trend both among homeowners and interior designers. With its durability, ease of maintenance, stylish appearance, and sophisticated marble look, Super White Quartzite is a perfect choice for a kitchen countertop.
Although a lot of people are absolutely in love with the looks of Super White, they aren’t quite sure what kind of a stone Super White actually is. Because of a lack of information, one can bring a wrong decision. This is why we will make sure to give you all the information about Super White Quartzite needed for a well-informed and well-thought decision for your kitchen remodel.
Q1: Can You Scratch or Etch Super White Quartzite?
Odpoveď: Kremenec je dvakrát tvrdší ako sklo a tvrdší ako čepeľ noža - je takmer nezničiteľný! Vďaka týmto vlastnostiam je vynikajúcou voľbou pre povrchy, ktoré podliehajú každodennému opotrebovaniu, ako sú napríklad kuchynské dosky. V skutočnosti je kremenec taký silný, že dokáže otupiť vaše nože! V každom prípade je rozumné vyhýbať sa používaniu ostrého náčinia priamo na pracovnej doske. Aj keď samotný pravý kremenec pravdepodobne nebude vykazovať škrabance alebo leptanie, tesniaci materiál na vrchnej strane bude mať a bude vykazovať poškodenie.
Q2: Does Calacatta Quartzite Need to be Sealed?
Odpoveď: Väčšina výrobcov použije pred inštaláciou tmel a vysvetlí akékoľvek ďalšie tesnenie, ktoré je potrebné vykonať počas životnosti kremeňa. Vo všeobecnosti, v závislosti od tmelu, je potrebné kremenec utesniť aspoň raz za 10 rokov. Výstražným znamením, že je čas na utesnenie alebo opätovné utesnenie kremencovej dosky, je, keď povrch stmavne v okolí mokrých oblastí, ako sú napríklad drezy. Ak si nie ste istí, môžete si sami otestovať jeho pórovitosť tak, že na povrchu necháte približne 20 minút pôsobiť malé množstvo horúcej vody a potom ju zotriete. Ak zostane tmavé miesto, váš povrch nasiakne tekutinou a pravdepodobne by mu prospel tmel. Utesnenie kremencového povrchu je kľúčom k jednoduchej údržbe - nezabudnite dodržiavať pokyny pre konkrétny tmel.
Q3: What is Super White Quartzite?
A: Some call it Super White Granite, White Fantasy Quartzite, Super White Marble, American Marble, dolomite, or just Super White or Superwhite quartzite. Maybe because “it looks like marble but wears like granite” it often falls into one of these two stone categories. The truth is – Super White is neither.
Quartz vs Super White. Quartz is man-made. Super White is a natural stone.
Granite vs Super White. Granite is a felsic intrusive igneous rock. Super White is a metamorphic rock.
Marble vs Super White. It is metamorphic just like marble but is much harder than marble.
Super White is quartzite or, as some geologists call it, dolomitic marble. White quartzite stone is a hard, non-foliated metamorphic rock that was originally pure quartz sandstone. Sandstone is converted into quartzite through heating and pressure usually related to tectonic compression within orogenic belts. Pure quartzite is usually white to gray, though quartzites often occur in various shades of pink and red due to varying amounts of iron oxide. Other colors, such as yellow, green, blue, and orange, are due to other mineral impurities. On the Mohs test that measures how hard material is, quartzite got a hardness mark of 8 from 10. This actually means that it’s harder than glass and can actually cut it.