Indian Tan Brown Granite Polished Floor And Wall Paving Tiles
Tan brown granite is known best for its durability and unique feature of dark brown, black and grey flecks. It is almost 100% water resistant that makes it a great choice for kitchen countertops interior and exterior projects. Tan Brown Granite Tile is an excellent granite tile for flooring, walls, and countertops.
Beautiful polished tiles in tan brown granite, vivid texture of dark brown color with black flecks. Highly durable granite is perfect for walling, flooring, and other building installation. Exact calibrated Cut to Size in tan brown granite tiles (Length x width x thickness) Size(Inch) : 18 x 18 x 5/8 Size(CM) : 45.7 x 45.7 x 1.6 Size(MM) : 457 x 457 x 1.6. The tiles are immensely popular for wall cladding and flooring needs. The bathroom with Tan Brown cladding and flooring looks very beautiful. You can use tiles as flooring and cladding with Tan Brown or any other light brown granite as the sink for your bathroom.
Granite Surface Finish: |
Polished, Flamed, Honed, Hammered usually |
Dostupná veľkosť:
1) dosky: 2800up x 1600up x 20/30 mm |
2) Malé dosky (pásy): 600/700/800/900 mm x 1800up x 18/20/30 mm atď. |
3) Rez na veľkosť: 300x300mm, 600x600mm, 300x600mm, 300x900mm, 1200x600mm atď. Hrúbka 18/20/30 mm |
4) Krok: 100-150 × 30-35 × 2/3 cm |
5) Stúpačka: 100-150 × 15-20 × 2 cm |
6)Tile:12''x12''x3/8'',18''x18''x1/2'' or other sizes |
7) Vrchné časti: For Vanity Tops: 25''x19''/22'',31''x19''/22'', 24”x36”, 26”x36”, 22”x34”,37''x19''/22'', 49''x19''/22'',61''x19''/22'' etc.(single or double sinks) For Kitchen & Countertop: 28”x96”, 96''x26'', 96''x25-1/2'', 78''x25-1/2'', 78''x26'', 72''x26'', 36”x78”, 108”x25.5", 108 "x26", 108 "x28" atď. Pre pultový polostrov: 36 "x78", 39 "x78", 28 "x78" atď. Pre pultový snack bar: 12 "x78", 15 "x78", 98 "x18", 108 "x18" atď. For Basin and Sink: 420x150mm,440x150mm,430x160mm,180x115mm etc. Hrúbka: 3/4" alebo 1,5" alebo iné podľa vašich požiadaviek |
Odkiaľ pochádza hnedá žula v Indii?
Tan Brown Granite je prírodný zemitý tón žuly z Indie. Pozadie tejto žuly je tmavo hnedé s čokoládovými a tan farebnými kvetmi a kryštálmi. Lomy Tan Brown sa nachádzajú v indickom štáte Telangana. Ide o krásnu a sofistikovanú žulu, ktorá sa skvele hodí na použitie v interiéri aj exteriéri.