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Mramor so zrnom dreva


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Mramor so zrnom dreva

Mramor so štruktúrou dreva je druh prírodného kameňa, ktorý imituje vzhľad štruktúry dreva. Niekedy sa označuje ako mramor so vzhľadom dreva alebo mramor s drevenou kresbou. Je obľúbenou voľbou pre architektonické a interiérové aplikácie, pretože poskytuje zvláštne spojenie tepla a organického vzhľadu dreva s eleganciou a robustnosťou mramoru.

Mramor so štruktúrou dreva má zvyčajne žilkovanie a vírivé vzory, ktoré napodobňujú štruktúru rôznych druhov dreva, ako je mahagón, orech alebo dub. V závislosti od druhu a zdroja mramoru sa farby a vzory môžu líšiť. Mramor Crema Marfil, Emperador a Serpeggiante je niekoľko druhov mramoru so štruktúrou dreva.

Mramor so štruktúrou dreva sa dá použiť na rôzne účely vrátane podlahy, obkladov stien, pracovných dosiek, krbov a dekoratívnych akcentov. Často sa používa v rezidenčných aj komerčných projektoch, pričom dodáva priestoru nádych luxusu a prirodzenej krásy.

Žulová položka: Mramor so zrnom dreva   
Farba žuly: drevený mramor; biely mramor
Veľkosť žuly: 300x600, 600x600, 600x150, 457x457, 800x800 mm
Hrúbka: 1,8 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm atď.
Povrch: Leštený, brúsený, kožený
MOQ: 300 SQM
Zelená žulová továreň: ESTA STONE


Natural White Stone Wood Grain Marble for Tile Floor Home Hotel Project

Natural stone with elaborate patterns that mimic the grain and texture of many kinds of wood is called wood grain marble. With the warmth and natural feel of wood mixed with the elegance of marble, it gives a distinctive and alluring look.

The visual attractiveness of tile floors in both residential and hotel buildings can be improved by the use of natural white stone wood grain marble, a stunning and adaptable material. This kind of marble blends the warm, organic appearance of wood grain patterns with the beauty and toughness of real stone.

Typically, white wood grain marble has subtle swirling and veining patterns that mimic the grain patterns of different types of wood. The white color scheme gives the area a feeling of brightness and purity and produces a fresh, classic atmosphere. Every tile is distinct and appealing because of the wood grain patterns, which also offer a hint of natural beauty and visual interest.

Using natural white wood grain marble for tile floors in hotel projects can help create a sophisticated and welcoming atmosphere for visitors. In lobby spaces, common areas, or hotel rooms, it can assist create a welcome first impression by exuding an air of understated luxury.

Wood grain marble is a sensible option for high-traffic areas because of its lifespan and durability because it is more resistant to moisture, stains, and scratches than raw wood. But, it’s crucial to remember that marble is a natural stone and needs routine care, such sealing and thorough cleaning, to maintain its beauty and shield it from harm.

YouTube video

Dimension of Natrual Stone Wood Grain Marble 


Názov produktu  Wood Grain Marble Polished Surface Kitchen Bathroom Home Hotel Project




Bežné veľkosti







Doska  Veľkosť

1800(až) x 600(až) mm

2400(až) x 1200(až) mm

2800(až) x 1500(až) mm atď.


15 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm atď.





305 x 305 mm alebo 12" x 12"

400 x 400 mm alebo 16" x 16"

457 x 457 mm alebo 18" x 18"

600 x 600 mm alebo 24" x 24" atď.


10 mm, 12 mm, 15 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm atď.




 96" x 26", 76" x 36", 98" x 26", 108" x 26
Thk  3/4″, 3/8″, 1/2"


Vanity Tops


Veľkosť 25" x 22", 31" x 22", 37" x 22", 49" x 22", 60" x 22"
Thk  3/4″, 3/8″, 1/2"



100X50, 100X100, 100X200, 200X200, 400X400mm atď.


20 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm, 60 mm, 80 mm, 100 mm, 120 mm

Obrubník Veľkosť


Materiál Mramor
Farba Biela
Povrchová úprava

 Leštené, brúsené, Antique, Acid-wash, Water-repellent, Flamed, atď.

Tolerancia hrúbky

  ±1 mm Cena EXW, FOB, CNF, vyjednávanie


  Vnútorné a vonkajšie  Prístav Prístav Xiamen


Application of Natural Stone Wood Grain Mramor   

Natural stone wood grain marble can be applied in various ways to enhance the aesthetic appeal of both residential and commercial spaces.


To produce an opulent and natural effect, wood grain marble is frequently utilized as flooring material. It can be used in living rooms, bedrooms, entryways, or any other space where a classy and cozy ambiance is needed.

Obklady stien:

You can cover interior walls with wood grain marble to give the area some texture and visual appeal. It can be used to cover an entire wall or as an accent wall to draw attention to a particular area.


Marble with wood grain is a great material for bar, bathroom, and kitchen counters. It is a useful and fashionable alternative for these surfaces due to its longevity and resilience to stains and moisture.

Okolie krbu:

Using wood grain marble as a fireplace surround brings forth its inherent beauty. It gives a room’s main point a dash of sophistication and elegance.

Dekoratívne akcenty:

Smaller bits of wood grain marble can be utilized as accent pieces, such as tabletops, shelves, or insets that add beauty to walls or furniture. The whole design is given a distinctive and creative touch by these embellishments.

Commercial Spaces:

Wood grain marble is appropriate for use in establishments like hotels, eateries, and offices. It can be utilized to create a warm and elegant atmosphere in conference rooms, lobby areas, and reception areas.

Professional Natural Wood Grain Marble Stone Tiles | Slabs | Countertops Factory In China



Proper maintenance is essential to preserve the beauty and longevity of Natural Stone Wood Grain Marble.


To prevent stains and etching, wood grain marble, like other varieties of marble, needs to be sealed. By sealing the marble’s surface, you can stop liquids from seeping through and harming the material. Wood grain marble should be sealed as soon as it is installed and then on a regular basis, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and the particular requirements of the marble.


To keep the marble’s surface free of spills, dust, and debris, regular cleaning is essential. Use a mild soap solution diluted in warm water or a pH-neutral stone cleanser together with a soft, non-abrasive cloth or mop. Abrasive or acidic cleansers should not be used on marble as they may cause harm. Spills should be cleaned up quickly to avoid discoloration.

Vyhnite sa drsným chemikáliám:

When cleaning natural stone wood grain marble, steer clear of harsh chemicals like vinegar, ammonia, and bleach. These materials have the potential to etch or discolor marble. Additionally, keep in mind that abrasive cleaning materials like steel wool or scouring pads can harm the surface.


Take precautions to guard against any harm coming to the wood-grain marble. To avoid thermal damage or etching, place placemats or coasters underneath glasses, bottles, and other hot items. When moving or rearrangement furniture, place felt pads beneath the legs to prevent scratches on the marble.

Prevent Exposure to Adverse conditions:

Direct sunshine, sharp temperature swings, or an abundance of moisture are examples of adverse conditions that wood grain marble should not be subjected to. These elements have the potential to harm or discolor marble. Make sure wood grain marble is suited for outdoor usage and adhere to the recommended installation and maintenance procedures before using it in any outdoor application.

Brazílska Via Lactea čierna žula podlaha a obklady Dodávateľ-Esta Stone

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