Profesionálne kamenné dlaždice a dosky na mieru

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Black Fusion Granite

A remarkable natural stone, Brazilian Luxury Gold and Black Fusion Granite is renowned for both its robustness and dramatic beauty.Black Fusion Exotic Granite is a unique and elegant granite. Its nebulous style has a dark black background with golden veining and white speckling. Black Fusion granite gives character to any application, whether this luxury black and gold granitre be a kitchen countertop, bathroom vanity top, fireplace surround or outdoor living space. Due to its outstanding combination of beauty and utility, it is a popular choice for both residential and commercial applications.

  • Granite Material: Black Fusion Granite, Magma Gold Granite, Titanium Gold Granite
  • Color: Black Granite, Black and Gold Granite, Brazilian Granite
  • Size: 300×600, 600×600, 600×150, 457×457, 800×800 mm
  • Hrúbka: 1,8 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm atď.
  • Povrch: Leštený, brúsený, fládrovaný, kožený
  • MOQ: 300 SQM
  • Black Fusion Granite: ESTA STONE
  • Usages: Our Black Fusion Granite is suit for cutting kitchen and bathroom tiles, Interior and Exterior Wall Facade
  • Application: Esta Stone offers Black Fusion Granite for Hotel, Villa, Apartment, Office Building, Hospital, Mall, Sports Venues, Leisure Facilities, Supermarket, warehouse, workshop, park, farmhouse, and courtyard kitchen and bathroom projects.
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Čierna Fusion žulové leštené dosky

Čierna žulová dlažba Fusion

Black Fusion Granitе is a stonе that captivatеs thе attеntion of еvеryonе who sееs it with its captivatin’ vеins of ivory and gold subtly sprеad across its dark background. This granite variety’s polished texture highlights its inherent charm and gives it a hint of luxury. Black Fusion Granite has a versatile pattern and a beautiful color scheme. Granites are formed by the slow crystallization of magma underneath the earth’s surface. It is composed mainly of natural quartz and feldspar, with subtle amounts of organic minerals, mica, and amphiboles. Other names include Fusion granite, Fusion black granite, Taurus black granite, and Taurus granite, also known as black Fusion granite.

  • Luxury Granite: Black Fusion Granite Slabs For Countertops and Tiles
  • Granite Slab Sizes: 130 cm x 320 cm; 150 cm x 320 cm
  • Hrúbka: 20 mm, 30 mm
  • Povrch: Leštený, brúsený, plamenný
  • MOQ: 300 SQM
  • Granite Colors: Black and Gold
  • Luxusná žulová továreň: Esta Stone
  • Application: Esta Stone provides 60+ Brazilian Granite Slabs For Any hotel, mall, restaurant, boutique shop, station, or VIP rooms with Floor, Wall, staircase, countertops, and Columns Projects
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Belvedere Exotické žulové dosky

Belvedere žulové dosky

Esta Stone’s Luxury Stone Collection in Brazilian Belvedere Granite is a naturally occurring black stone with a faint wave of gold crystals and a faint wave of green. It is mined in Brazil and comes in sizes of 20 mm and 30 mm. Belvedere Black Granite, with its stunning black background and lovely veining in white and beige tones, makes a beautiful surface for kitchen countertops, feature walls, and other customized products. This exotic granite is suitable for residential and commercial building interior decoration projects.

  • Luxury Granite Stone: Brazilian Black and Gold Belvedere Granite Polished Slabs
  • Granite Color: Belvedere Black Granite, Black and Gold Granite,Cosmic Gold Granite, Titanium Gold Granite, Belvedere Quartzite
  • Veľkosť dosky: 1800 (až) x 600 (až) mm; 2400 (až) x 1200 (až) mm
  • Hrúbka: 18,20,30 mm
  • Povrch: Leštený, plamenný, brúsený
  • MOQ: 300 SQM
  • Žulové dosky a dlaždice Factory: Esta Stone
  • Aplikácia žuly: V Esta Stone Factory nájdete viac ako 100 rôznych žulových kameňov v doskách, dlaždiciach a doskách pre vnútorné alebo vonkajšie dosky, obkladové dlaždice, podlahové a stenové dlažby.
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Čierna Galaxy žulová dlažba 24 X 24

Doprajte si luxus pod nohami s čiernymi žulovými dlaždicami Galaxy. Tento odolný a očarujúci kameň s lešteným povrchom pripomínajúcim zrkadlo a hviezdnymi škvrnami zlatej a bielej farby premení priestory na kozmické krajiny elegancie. Je vhodný na rôzne aplikácie a predstavuje bezkonkurenčnú voľbu pre špičkový, odolný a podmanivý dizajnový prvok.

Žula Materiál: Indická čierna žula Galaxy, Star Galaxy Granite, Čierna žula
Veľkosti: 300x300 mm; 600x600 mm; 450x450 mm a ľubovoľný rozmer
Hrúbka: 10,18,20,30 mm
Povrch: Leštený
MOQ: 100 SQM

Továreň na čiernu žulu: Esta Stone 

Použitie žulového kameňa: Interiérové dekorácie, podlaha, stena, doska, márnosť top, nábytok top atď.

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