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calacatta white quartz quartz


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Biely kremeň Calacatta

Calacatta white quartz with grey veins is an exquisite manufactured stone that resembles the abundant appearance of genuine Calacatta marble. Its exquisite appearance, longevity, and low care needs make it a popular option in interior design. This quartz type has a stunning and elegant appearance thanks to its noticeable grey veining flowing through a white background.

Biely kremeň Calacatta so sivými žilkami vytvára výrazný kontrast s bielym pozadím a dodáva každej oblasti hĺbku a osobitosť. Väčšiu kontrolu nad dizajnom umožňujú presné a pravidelné vzory žiliek, ktoré zároveň zaručujú jednotný vzhľad celej inštalácie.

  • Engineered Quartz Item: White Calacatta Quartz with Grey Veins for Kitchen Bathroom Home Hotel Project
  • Quartz Stone Colo r:White quartz; White Calacatta Quartz with Grey Veins
  • Quartz Size: 3060x1440mm, 3260×1640, or Based on Customer’s Request
  • Hrúbka: 1,8 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm atď.
  • Povrch: Leštený, brúsený, kožený
  • MOQ: 300 SQM
  • Artificial Quartz Factory: ESTA STONE
  • Quartz Application: Esta Stone White Marble Pattern Quartz Collections are ideas for Homes, Hotels, Villas, Residences, Countertops, Bathroom Vanity Tops, tables, Backgrounds, Floor Tiles, Wall Tiles, etc


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