Domov " milan grey terrazzo stone
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A variety of terrazzo flooring or surface material with a predominately grey color scheme is referred to as grey terrazzo marble. Small fragments of marble, granite, quartz, or other aggregates are embedded into an epoxy or cementitious resin binder to create terrazzo, a composite material. After that, polishing gives it a shiny, smooth surface.
Grey-colored marble is the main aggregate used in the creation of grey terrazzo marble. The type of marble used can determine the exact shade of grey, which can range from light to dark. Grey marbles such as Carrara, Bardiglio, and Silver Travertine are frequently used in terrazzo.
Marble Colors:Milan Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slab
Veľkosť podlahových a stenových dlaždíc: 12′ X 12″, 12′ X 24″, 24′ X 24″ atď.
Hrúbka: 10, 18, 20, 30 mm
Povrch: Leštený, brúsený
MOQ: 300 SQM
Prírodné mramorové dlaždice Factory: Esta Stone
Použitie: Esta Stone ponúka 100+ prírodných mramorových kameňov pre interiérové projekty podláh a stien, ako sú hotely, kancelárske budovy, nákupné centrá, kúpele a reštaurácie.