Profesyonel Taş Kesme Boy Fayans ve Tezgah Fabrikası

Bianco Dolomite Marble Tile


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bianco dolomit cilalı mermer karo

Dolomit Mermer Karo

600x300x16/18/20 mm Polished Bianco Dolomite Marble Tiles are a fine, milky-white marble from Esta Stone Factory. The White Natural marble in Bianco Dolomiti is a classic Turkish Dolomite White marble from the upper echelon of white stones, with distinctive, smooth grey veining. Esta Stone supplies polished field tiles, mosaics, and 2cm slabs for interior decoration projects in residential and commercial buildings.

  • Doğal Mermer Ürünleri: Türk Bianco Dolomit Beyaz Mermer Fayansları
  • Doğal Mermer: Bianco Dolomit Mermer, Dolomit Beyaz Mermer
  • Standard Marble Slabs: 2400upx1200up, 2800upx1500up, 2900x1600or Based on Customer’s Request
  • Kalınlık: 20,30mm
  • Yüzey: Cilalı ve honlanmış en iyisidir
  • Doğal Mermer Yer ve Duvar Karosu Fabrikası: Esta Stone
  • Mermer Orijinal: Türkiye
  • Marble Application: The 60+ Natural marbles in Esta Stone Marble Factory are ideal for residential homes, commercial buildings, luxury hotels, shopping malls, office spaces, and historical restorations.
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