Profesyonel Taş Kesme Boy Fayans ve Tezgah Fabrikası

Kültür taşı nedir?


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Kültür taşı nedir?

"Cultural stone" is a general term. Natural cultural stone can be divided into sedimentary sandstone and hard slate in terms of material. Artificial cultural stone products are made of cement, sand, ceramsite, and other inorganic pigments through professional processing and special steam curing technology.

It has the advantages of environmental protection and energy-saving, light texture, high strength, and good thawing resistance. Generally used for building exterior walls or indoor partial decoration.

Natural cultural stone is a stone deposit mined in nature. Slate, sandstone, and quartz stone are processed into decorative building material. The natural cultural stone is hard in material, bright in color, rich in texture, and different in style. It has the advantages of compression resistance, wear resistance, fire resistance, cold resistance, corrosion resistance, and low water absorption. The main feature of natural cultural stone is durability, not afraid of getting dirty, and can be scrubbed for unlimited times. However, the decorative effect is limited by the original texture of the stone. In addition to the square stone, other constructions are more difficult, especially when splicing.

Yapay kültür taşı

Artificial cultural stone is made of pumice, ceramsite, silicon calcium, and other materials through professional processing and refinement. The texture, color, and texture of each naturally formed stone are upgraded and reproduced by artificial methods using high-tech. The effect is extremely original. , Natural and simple charm. High-grade artificial cultural stone has the characteristics of environmental protection, energy-saving, light texture, rich color, mildew-free, non-combustible, good thawing resistance, and easy installation.

The classification of cultural stones is generally similar, generally, there are striped stones, bread stones, city wall stones, weathered stones, pebbles, mixed texture stones, antique bricks, etc.

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