Professionelle Fabrik für Fliesen und Arbeitsplatten aus Stein im Zuschnitt

Marble Calacatta



White Marble Calacatta

Delving into luxury, the allure of Italian White Marble Calacatta Slabs with polished surface treatment in Esta Stone Warehouse is undeniable. A quintessence of elegance and a beacon of timeless charm, these luxury white Italian marble stones emanate the very spirit of Italy, reflecting its history, craftsmanship, and natural panorama. The aesthetics are elevated by the polished treatment of white marble jumbo slabs, and cut-to-size tile, unique veining, and a compelling allure that only luxury white marble possesses.

  1. Italienischer weißer Marmor Artikel: Calacatta-Marmor Jumbo-Platten für Fliesenzuschnitte
  2. Natürlicher Marmor: Weißer Calacatta-Marmor, italienischer Calacatta-Marmor
  3. Standard-Marmorplatten: 2400upx1200up, 2800upx1500up, 2900upx1600up oder auf Anfrage des Kunden
  4. Dicke: 20,30mm
  5. Oberfläche: Poliert und geschliffen sind die besten
  6. MOQ: 100 SQM
  7. Luxuriöse Fabrik für weißen Marmor: Esta Stone
  8. Marmor Original: Italien
  9. Marble Application: Natural White Marble Calacatta Slab, Tile, and Countertops from Esta Stone are ideal for residential homes, commercial buildings, luxury hotels, shopping malls, office spaces, and historical restorations.
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