Usine professionnelle de fabrication de carreaux et de comptoirs en pierre taillée sur mesure

Dalles de sol en granit Black Galaxy


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Dalles de sol en granit Black Galaxy
Matériau : Granit noir Galaxy
Dimensions : 300x300mm ; 600x600mm ; 450x450mm , et toutes les dimensions disponibles
Épaisseur : 10, 18, 20, 30 mm
Surface : Polie
MOQ : 100 SQM


Black Galaxy Granite Tiles For Hotel and Building Lobby Floor Tiles

Black Galaxy Granite is black-colored granite containing small golden and silver specks in the background. It is also known as a star galaxy. The number and size of the golden and silver flecks are different in different blocks. The quality of this granite depends on the size, number, and distribution of the golden flecks in the slab or tile.

Black Galaxy Granite Floor Tiles are one of the most popular granite tiles rightly because of their beauty as well as utility. Black Galaxy granite contains small gold or white flecks with several design motifs on a mostly black base granite tile. It is these beautiful metallic flecks that act as the distinguishing factor of black galaxy granite.

Tiles of Black Galaxy Granite are popular for making Flooring. The 2 cm thick tiles of galaxy granite are popular for flooring. Also, big-size slabs of the galaxy are used for making flooring in a large area. This is a recommended color for flooring in indoor areas.

Black Galaxy Granite Floor Tiles and wall tiles are very popular laid as bathroom or kitchen. Many of our clients use granite tiles as a wall tile contrasting against granite worktops creating an interior design masterpiece.

Les dimensions ci-dessous sont les plus courantes, mais il est possible de concevoir des modèles sur mesure pour le client.
          Dimensions courantes   Dalles       Taille 1800(up) x 600(up)mm
2400(up) x 600(up)mm etc
Merci d'avance 15mm, 18mm, 20mm, 30mm, etc
   Carreaux  Taille 305 x 305mm ou 12" x 12"
400 x 400mm ou 16" x 16"
457 x 457mm ou 18" x 18".
600 x 600 mm ou 24" x 24", etc.
Merci d'avance 10mm,15mm,18mm,20mm,30mm, etc
  Comptoirs Taille 96" x 26", 76"x36", 98”x26", 108" x 26"
Merci d'avance 3/4", 3/8", 1/2"
 Dessus de lavabo Taille 25"x22" , 31"x22", 37”x22" , 49”x22”, 60” x22”
Merci d'avance 3/4", 3/8", 1/2"
Nom du produit Big size polished Black Star Granite black galaxy granite For Countertop, Tiles, Headstone
Surface  Finish Polished, Honed, Antique, Acid-wash, Mushroom, Water-repellent, Flamed, etc.
Style d'arête bullnose, ogee, bevel, eased, polish, etc
Utilisation Pour la décoration intérieure et extérieure et la construction.
panneaux muraux, carreaux de sol, escaliers, pavés, revêtements muraux, comptoirs, meubles-lavabos sont disponibles.
Traitement des bords Découpe à la machine, bords arrondis, etc.


Are all-natural stone tiles suitable for both walls and floors?

All granite and marble tiles are suitable for use on walls and floors. Natural stone tiles are heavy — It is the wall construction itself that will determine suitability, for instance, it is better to tile straight onto new plasterboard than it is onto plaster. The surface to be tiled must be free from any loose material and be strong enough to take the weight of the tiles. Speak to one of the sales team for more information and seek expert advice from your installer about suitability.

Indoor Marble Stairs

Indoor marble stairs respond to functional needs but, undoubtedly, they are a piece of furniture that must fit into an architectural context, following its style and exalting it. For this reason, the utmost attention must be paid to the realization of indoor staircases, things that our staff knows how to do with competence and professionalism, supporting the Customer from the beginning to the end of the design project.

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