Granite Kitchen With Black Pearl Countertop
The choices are endless for kitchen countertop materials – marble, stainless steel, wood, and laminate – however, these choices are typically narrowed down to granite for several reasons.
By choosing Black Pearl Granite, the pure black tones can bring an old-world charm or a seaside feel to any modern kitchen. The bright, smooth surface will remain beautiful after years of use and will bring a luxury centerpiece without breaking the budget.
O granito Black Pearl é um granito predominantemente preto de tom semi-sólido com manchas de preto, dourado, prateado, marrom, verde e tons de cinza. Esse granito durável é recomendado para bancadas de granito, backsplashes e muito mais. É apropriado para uso interno e externo e está disponível em uma variedade de acabamentos.
Nome do produto: | Price slab countertop labrador black pearl granite countertop |
Acabamento: | Polido, amaciado, antigo, lavagem com ácido, repelente à água, etc. |
Tamanhos de placas: | 600up×1800up×20~30mm, 700up×1800up×20~30mm, 1200up×2400~3200up×20~30mm, ou tamanhos personalizados |
Tamanhos de ladrilhos: | 305×305mm (12"×12"), 300×600mm (12"×24"), 400×400mm (18"×18"), 600×600mm (24"×24"), 610×300mm (24"×12"), 800×800mm (31"×31"), 700×1200mm (27"×47"), 600×1200mm (24"×47") ou tamanhos personalizados |
Tamanhos de tampo de penteadeira: | 25×19×3/4", 31×19×3/4", 37×19×3/4", 43×19×3/4", 49×19×3/4", 61×19×3/4", 25×22×3/4", 31×22×3/4", 37×22×3/4", 43×22×3/4", 49×22×3/4", 61×22×3/4" ou tamanhos personalizados |
Borda: 3/4 "eased, 3/4" full bullnose, 3/4 "ogee, 3/4 "threhold, 3/4 "demi bullnose, 3/4" dupont edge | |
Tamanhos de tampos de cozinha: | 25"×96", 25½"×96", 26"×96", 25½"×108", 26"×108", 28"×96", 28"×108" ou tamanhos personalizados |
Bordas: 1/4bullnose, waterfall, ogee, scotia, half bullnose, top bullnose, double scotia, Flat, Double bullnose, double dupont, double dupont full etc. | |
Espessura: 10 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm, 17 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 30 mm e etc. | |
Controle de qualidade: | Tolerância de tamanho: ±0,5mm ~ ±1mm |
Brilho: 90 graus de polimento ou superior | |
Um rigoroso sistema de controle de QC garante que cada peça seja rigorosamente verificada antes de ser embalada |
My little sample of granite has pits on the surface – will I have these on my granite countertops?
Granite, which is crystalline in structure, always has tiny pits – spaces between the various mineral crystals. You don′t see them on a larger piece because the overall appearance is polished and mirror-like. Granite countertops sometimes have natural fissures as well, which may look like cracks, but are not structural defects and are a naturally occurring result of the immense heat and pressure which formed the granite millions of years ago. These characteristics are part of the natural beauty of stone and will not impair the function or durability of the material.
Can I cut on my granite countertop?
Yes. However, granite is harder than your knife blades and will dull them quickly, if you use the countertop as a cutting surface. Also, if you do not seal your countertop as required (at least once a year; every 90 days for heavy usage), you could potentially stain them. NEVER CHOP on your countertop. While it is unlikely you will damage your granite countertops, it is possible. It′s a reliable routine to always chop on a wooden or plastic cutting board.