Fábrica profissional de ladrilhos e bancadas de pedra cortada sob medida

Placas de granito Blue Pearl


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Luxury Blue Pearl Granite Stone Slabs For Countertops and Stair Suitcases 

Blue Pearl Granite Slabs are popular and distinctive for any space decoration. Additionally, blue pearl granite is a reasonable option for use as worktops, including kitchen countertops. Installation should include initial sealing if it is not already completed. 

Blue pearl granite kitchen tiles and countertops are not only highly durable but are also resistant to scratches and searing. They also add a prestigious appearance to countertops and integrate virtually into any kitchen design theme. Keep in mind, too, that granite itself is beautiful. Uncommon to popular belief, granite countertops are not really a trend.

Blue Pearl Granite Countertop Slabs

At ESTA STONE, we stock a large variety of hand-selected granite, marble, soapstone, quartzite, limestone, onyx and slate, and other natural stone slabs. While granite is more durable than marble, onyx has a translucent finish and slate has a classic rustic look, we can help our customers make the best selection when they get in touch with us and come into our yard and showroom for an in-person consultation.

Nome do produto: Good Quality Natural Blue Pearl Granite Slabs For Kitchen Countertops and Floor Tiles 
Acabamento: Polido, amaciado, antigo, lavagem com ácido, repelente à água, etc.
Tamanhos de placas: 600up×1800up×20~30mm, 700up×1800up×20~30mm,
1200up×2400~3200up×20~30mm, ou tamanhos personalizados
Tamanhos de ladrilhos: 305×305mm (12"×12"), 300×600mm (12"×24"), 400×400mm (18"×18"), 600×600mm (24"×24"), 610×300mm (24"×12"), 800×800mm (31"×31"), 700×1200mm (27"×47"), 600×1200mm (24"×47") ou tamanhos personalizados
Tamanhos de tampos de cozinha: 25"×96", 25½"×96", 26"×96", 25½"×108", 26"×108", 28"×96", 28"×108" ou tamanhos personalizados
Bordas: 1/4bullnose, waterfall, ogee, scotia, half bullnose, top bullnose, double scotia, Flat, Double bullnose, double Dupont, double Dupont full, etc.
Espessura: 10 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm, 17 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 30 mm e etc.

Blue Pearl granite from Norway features shades of blues, grays, and some beige. This durable granite is good for commercial and residential products and is an exceptional option for the cladding exterior walls.

Etapas de processamento de bancadas de granito


Care of Blue Pearl Granite Floor Tiles and Kitchen Countertops

Caring for blue pearl granite is not very difficult. It does not take on stains, and it does not absorb liquid. This is just one of the many benefits of granite in general. However, blue pearl granite is an especially durable form of granite.

While granite is very durable, it will still see some wear and tear. Even dense stone will look lightly used when you install it in high-traffic areas like the kitchen. You can protect your granite by using chopping boards and being sensible about your workspace.

If your granite does see some chips, it is often around busy areas like sinks or stoves. Fixing chips is quite easy. You can call a repair specialist, or you can purchase a kit to do it yourself.

Blue pearl granite is one of the most beautiful surface types that you can install in your home. It is a statement piece. It also provides the home with classic beauty while increasing the home’s value.

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