Fábrica profissional de ladrilhos e bancadas de pedra cortada sob medida

Labradorite Bianca Granite


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Labradorite Bianca Granite
Material: Granito Labradorita Bianca
Tamanhos: 2400 (até) x 1200 (até) mm 2800 (até) x 1500 (até) mm etc.
Espessura: 20,30 mm
Superfície: Polida
MOQ: 50 conjuntos


Luxury Labradorite Bianca Granite Slabs For Kitchen Countertops and TV Background Wall

Labradorite Bianca granite is a light grey anorthosite with some single, blue iridescent areas and sometimes large black patches. This stone internationally may be nominated as a granite but in the area of application of the European Standard, this stone must be nominated as an anorthosite. As a very beautiful exclusive, white consistent stone with black mica clusters and large indigo blue nuggets. It is an excellent stone that will make a statement as a kitchen countertop, bathroom vanity top, backsplash, fireplace surround, bar top, and for an outdoor kitchen. No matter where you install it, Labrador white granite will truly leave you amazed.

Labradorite Bianca, a luxurious exotic semi-precious white Labradorite granite, is available exclusively in the quarry owned by Sun Minerals Madagascar in the remote southwestern region of the African island nation.

The stone has a color palette varying from pure white to light grey, highlighted by flecks of iridescent blue Labradorite crystals. Labradorite Bianca is a rare and unique natural stone and is extremely durable. It exhibits an aura of luxury and opulence and is ideal for mansions, hotels, resorts, commercial buildings, and luxurious residential developments.

Nome da pedra

Natural Stone Madagascar Labradorite Bianca Granite Slab



Forma de pedra

Blocks, Slabs(CUT TO SIZE),Tile

Local de origem



Polished, Honed, Flamed, Sandblasted, Rough hammered, Bush hammered, Rough picked, Mushroom, Axe-cut, etc. and our edges finishing range has Eased, Beveled, Bullnose, Ogee, Cove, laminated, non-laminated and etc


Bush Hammer, Flat, Flamed, French ……

Produtos acabados

Slabs, Tiles, Skirtings, Window sills, Steps & Riser stairs, Kitchen countertops, Vanity tops, Worktops, Columns, Curbstones, Paving stones, Cubes, Mosaic & Borders, Sculptures, Tombstones and Monuments


Does granite have a completely smooth surface?

No. Many granites contain pits and fissures that are natural characteristics of granite. Some granites exhibit these characteristics more than others, and the lighting of the room can make these marks more or less visible. These characteristics should be pointed out to the client prior to deciding on a particular material and pre-approval of the actual slab is recommended.

Por que o granito é o tipo de pedra mais usado em cozinhas?

Os balcões de cozinhas e bares são comumente expostos a líquidos como água, leite, sucos, vinho ou outras bebidas alcoólicas, substâncias ácidas como vegetais cítricos, algumas frutas, ácido acético e utensílios afiados, que podem danificar qualquer bancada. Entretanto, o granito é uma das pedras mais fortes e densas da natureza, com alta tolerância ao calor e à tensão, o que o torna resistente a corrosão, manchas e absorção, tornando-o uma das principais opções para uso em cozinhas e bares.

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