Início " Mármore branco natural
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Bookmatched or vein flow Volakas White Marble Tile from Esta Stone consists of dolomite marble pieces. Volakas Marble is a white background marble with diagonal brownish-grey veins and clouds, creating a sense of movement that is harmonically combined to convey a unique and distinctive identity.
The finest natural white marble stone, Volakas, is a white marble quarried in Greece. This Greek White Marble is perfect for Exterior – Interior wall and floor applications, monuments, countertops, mosaics, fountains, pools, and other design projects.
Sivec Polaris Marble is a premium natural stone renowned for its striking white background and subtle gray veining. Originating from the rich quarries of Greece, this marble is prized for its elegant appearance and durability, making it a popular choice for both residential and commercial applications. Sivec marble is one of the most famous white marbles in the world, and it is extracted in Macedonia. our premium quality Bianco Sivec marble is exported in large quantities to many developing countries such as Brazil, Singapore, United Arab Emirates for the construction of large projects such as public buildings, luxury hotels and so on.
O mármore Bianco Dolomite é um mármore branco de variação média importado da Turquia pela Esta Stone Factory. Nossa placa de mármore Bianco Dolomite está disponível em pisos, mosaicos decorativos e azulejos. Essa mistura de baixo contraste de branco ártico e cinza claro é perfeita para pisos de mármore, mosaicos decorativos e azulejos de parede em ambientes residenciais e comerciais. O padrão elegante do Bianco Dolomite White Marble é uma escolha refinada para qualquer instalação interna, como um saguão de hotel, parede ou projeto de prédio de escritórios.
An Everlasting Sign of Exquisiteness and Magnificence with Esta Stone’s Polished Columbia White Marble
Columbia White Marble is a highly sought-after natural stone with traditional charm and everlasting beauty. This magnificent marble, mined from a few select areas worldwide, is now recognized in the world of architecture and design as a symbol of richness and elegance. Designers, architects, and homeowners have all fallen in love with Columbia White Marble because of its innate refinement and pure white backdrop decorated with exquisite veining.
O mármore italiano Arabescato é um dos mármores originários da Itália. Normalmente, o mármore Arabescato tem um fundo branco ou esbranquiçado com veios cinzas ou pretos que percorrem toda a pedra. As variações na intensidade, espessura e distribuição dos veios podem produzir designs distintos e requintados. O mármore Arabescato é uma opção popular para várias aplicações devido ao efeito visual dramático do contraste entre os veios escuros e o fundo branco.
Delving into luxury, the allure of Italian White Marble Calacatta Slabs with polished surface treatment in Esta Stone Warehouse is undeniable. A quintessence of elegance and a beacon of timeless charm, these luxury white Italian marble stones emanate the very spirit of Italy, reflecting its history, craftsmanship, and natural panorama. The aesthetics are elevated by the polished treatment of white marble jumbo slabs, and cut-to-size tile, unique veining, and a compelling allure that only luxury white marble possesses.
18/30mm thickness White Statuario Marble Slabs from Esta Stone is a quintessential Italian marble, used to carve many of Italy’s most fabulous sculptures. It is strikingly white, with cool grey and black veins accentuating the surface. Refined, clean, and proper in any setting, 100% natural Staturaio Marble is a true classic and timeless for any luxury interior decoration project.