Piatră profesională de piatră tăiată la dimensiuni de gresie și blaturi de fabrică

Albastru Bahia Stone



Albastru Bahia Stone
Material: Azul Bahia Blue Granit albastru
Dimensiune: 1800upx600mm; 1800upx650mm; 1800upx700mm; 1800upx700mm etc.
Grosime: 16,18,20,30mm
Suprafața: Lustruit
MOQ: 100 SQM


Blue Bahia Granite Stone Slabs For Interior Tiles and Kitchen Countertops

Blue Bahia Stone Granite is almost the most luxurious natural granite in the world, blue is the main color of this stone, different slabs, the blue color area, and density are different, some dark and some light, except the main blue color, we may find other colors on the slab, such as white, brown, yellow, etc.

Blue Bahia granite is a strikingly beautiful and exclusive blue stone with white and gold clusters. This beautiful natural stone is a great option for kitchen countertops, bathroom countertops, backsplashes, fireplace surrounds, and bar tops.

Blue Bahia Stone is a stone that is legendary for its beauty. It is possibly the bluest granite on the market, and it is in very high demand. It is quarried in central Brazil and is occasionally called Azul Bahia granite. Its stunning blue colors can be a little hard to incorporate into a kitchen.

Denumirea produsului Azul Bahia blue granite slab 
Material Blue Granite
Culoare albastru
Grosime 15mm, 16mm, 18mm, 20mm, sau personalizate
Dimensiunile plăcilor 1800upx600mm; 1800upx650mm; 1800upx700mm; 1800upx700mm etc.
2400upx600mm; 2400upx650mm; 2400upx700mm; 2400upx700mm etc.
Dimensiunile plăcilor 300x300mm; 600x600mm; 450x450mm etc.

Lustruit, șlefuit sau personalizat

Prelucrarea marginilor Mașină de tăiat, margine rotundă, etc.
Ambalare Ladă de lemn, palet

The granite slabs' natural blue color makes it a rarity in the natural stone world and a favorite for those who love the ocean. Its natural blue will have many tones and typically varies from slab to slab.

Blaturi de granit Etapele de prelucrare

Ce ar trebui să folosiți pentru a curăța granitul?

Ștergeți suprafața blatului cu apă caldă cu săpun și clătiți bine. De asemenea, puteți folosi o soluție 50:50 de alcool izopropilic și apă.

Nu folosiți oțet, Windex sau înălbitor pe granit. Folosirea frecventă a acestor substanțe acide va opacifia granitul și va slăbi materialul de etanșare.

Don't folosiți produse de curățare naturale care constau din oțet, lămâie, portocaliu, și alte elemente acide naturale care pot duce la gravură pe blaturi de granit

Stone is imperfect:

As you may notice around the world, in those beautiful and historical cities, many of the most antique buildings and structures are made out of natural stones. Therefore is safe to say that natural stones are the most durable and upstanding material available and better than most manmade products as far as enduringness. Nevertheless, natural stones carry characteristics that many consider imperfections. Although natural stone possesses so-called irregularities and imperfections, experts consider those that makes natural stones so beautiful and unique. Deep veining, color variation, small blemishes, are part of the natural stone essence, it is part of the stone formation throughout millions of years while in the ground. If you are looking for a uniform, consistent material, your better option will be manmade (engineered) materials.

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