Profesionálne kamenné dlaždice a dosky na mieru

Čierna žulová dlaždica Galaxy


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Čierna žulová dlaždica Galaxy
Pochádza z južných krajín Indie, Black Galaxy Granite je fascinujúce stelesnenie vesmírnej krásy, spájajúce odolnosť a eleganciu v jeho rozlohe. Tento jedinečný prírodný kameň, známy svojimi veľkolepými zlatými škvrnami roztrúsenými na éterickom čiernom plátne, vnáša nebeské čaro do každého priestoru, ktorý zdobí. Tento variant žuly, ktorý je veľmi cenený v rôznych architektonických aplikáciách, sa stal obľúbenou voľbou pre prestížne zariadenia po celom svete. 1: Žula Stone Položka: Indická Black Galaxy Stone, Star Galaxy Granite 2: Veľkosti dosiek: 2400upx1200upx18/20/25/30mm 3: Tile Size: 305×305/600x600x10/12/18/20/25/30mm 4: Povrch: Povrch: Leštený 5: MOQ: 300 M2 6: Aplikácia: Esta Stone poskytuje čierne žulové dlaždice, obkladové panely, schody a dosky pre hotely, reštaurácie, nákupné centrá, veže, mešity, kostoly, vily, letiská, metro, vládne budovy a verejné miesta, školy, nemocnice atď.    


Black Galaxy žulové dlaždice pre podlahy a obklady stien pre komerčné projekty

The allure of the Star Galaxy Granite tiles extends far beyond their striking appearance. Formed deep within the earth, this granite variant possesses remarkable durability. The material’s commendable strength, low water absorption rate, and resistance to wear make it an ideal choice for interior and exterior installations. The inherent durability of Star Galaxy Granite floor tiles also ensures their suitability for high-traffic areas, promising a lifetime of architectural brilliance and minimal maintenance.

The application potential of the Black Galaxy Granite 12×12 or 18×18 tiles is vast. The diverse range of tile sizes makes it perfect for crafting custom designs and instilling visual harmony across spaces. The polished Black Galaxy Granite provides an ideal countertop surface, making it a go-to material for kitchen bar tops and bathroom vanities. Further, these durable granite tiles make an excellent choice for flooring, wall cladding, and staircases, bringing uniformity and grandeur to the design.

Čierna Galaxy žulové kamenné dlaždice Projekty-Esta Stone

Galaktické predstavenie: Estetika a dizajn | Nadčasová elegancia čiernej galaktickej žuly

The Black Star Galaxy Granite tiles’ aesthetics capture the starlit night sky’s ethereal beauty. Each slab presents a dynamic visual spectacle, with tiny golden and silver flecks illuminating the intense black backdrop. The subtle variations in the granite’s texture contribute to its unique aesthetic, adding depth and richness to every installation. Its distinct pattern and color palette can dramatically elevate the aesthetic appeal of any design, be it in hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, or residential spaces.

YouTube video

Štandardné veľkosti Galaxy Black Granite 


Materiál Čierna Galaxy Granite
Položka Rezanie na mieru, dosky, schody, pult, parapet, dlažba atď.
Povrch Leštené, brúsené, plamenné, tepané, pieskované atď.
Veľkosť Dlaždice 30 x 30 cm, 30 x 60 cm, 
60 x 60 cm, 120 x 60 cm, 
alebo akúkoľvek inú veľkosť podľa požiadavky zákazníka.
Doska 180 x 60cm/70cm/80cm
240up x 60cm/70cm/80cm
alebo akúkoľvek inú veľkosť podľa požiadavky zákazníka.
Schody Step: 110-150×30-33 mm
Riser: 110-150×13-15 mm
Hrúbka 1,0 cm, 1,5 cm, 1,8 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, 4 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm atď.
Tolerancia hrúbky +/-1 mm, +/-2 mm, v závislosti od požiadavky zákazníka
Balík Pevné fumigované drevené debny, drevené palety, drevené zväzky atď.
Obchodný termín Fob, CNF, CIF, EXW atď.
Vzorka Vzorka môže byť poskytnutá zadarmo.
The Hottest and Good Price Galaxy Black Granite Floor and Wall Tiles


Čierna žulová dlaždica Galaxy

Black Galaxy Granite tiles and slabs come in various sizes to accommodate different applications. Below are some commonly used sizes, although custom dimensions can also be requested for specific project needs.

  • Podlahové dlaždice

12 × 12 palcov (30 × 30 cm)

18 × 18 palcov (45 × 45 cm)

24 × 24 palcov (60 × 60 cm)

These sizes suit all floor applications, including commercial and residential interiors and exteriors.

  • Obklady na stenu

12 × 12 palcov (30 × 30 cm)

12 × 24 palcov (30 × 60 cm)

24 × 24 palcov (60 × 60 cm)

Tieto rozmery sa bežne používajú na obklady stien v rôznych interiéroch a exteriéroch.

  • Schodiskové dlaždice

The sizes of stair treads and risers would vary depending on the specific design requirements. A typical size range for stair treads is:

Treads: Length: 33-60 inches (84-152 cm), Width: 12-16 inches (30-41 cm)

Risers: Length: 33-60 inches (84-152 cm), Width: 6-7 inches (15-18 cm)

  • Kuchynské a kúpeľňové dosky

Countertops are typically custom-cut based on specific kitchen or bathroom dimensions. However, most countertops have a standard 2 cm or 3 cm thickness. The length and width would vary based on the layout and size of your kitchen or bathroom, but here are some standard dimensions:

Dĺžka: 24-96 palcov (60-244 cm)

Width: 26 inches (66 cm) for kitchen counters, 22 inches (56 cm) for bathroom counters

When planning countertop installation, remember to consider the edge finish and the location and size of the sink. Always consult with a professional for specific measurements and requirements for your project.

Čierna Galaxy žulové leštené dlaždice

Leštené žulové dlaždice Galaxy Black

Čierna Galaxy žulové dlaždice

Čierna Galaxy žulové podlahové dlaždice

The availability of Black Galaxy Granite tiles in various sizes, such as 12×12, 18×18, and 24×24, allows for consistent design narratives across different spaces. The material’s harmonious aesthetic makes it perfect for creating visually pleasing floor and wall paving in diverse settings, from airports and subways to government buildings and public places. This versatility and uniformity ensure the Black Galaxy Granite’s place as a cornerstone in contemporary architecture and design. 

Profesionálne Black Galaxy Granite Factory


Čierna Galaxy žula zo série Esta Stone Products

Black granite is a natural stone used for kitchens, bars, cafes, hotel lobby flooring, airports, and big projects.

This galaxy granite stone is suitable for house, supermarkets, shopping malls, warehouse flooring, etc.

Vlastnosť výrobku:

–1. The granite structure is compact, with high compressive strength, low water absorption, high surface hardness, good chemical stability, and durability, but poor fire resistance.

–2. Granite is a granular structure with fine, medium, and coarse grains or a plaque-like structure. The particles are uniform and refined, the gap is small, the water absorption rate is not high, and the frost resistance is good.

–3. Granite’s hardness is high, fine-grained granite can be as high as 300 MPa or more, and the bending strength is generally 10 to 30 MPa.

–4. Granite has a high rate of desertification and can be processed in various ways.

–5. Granite is not easy to weather and can be used as an outdoor decorative stone.

–6. Granite has a uniform texture, although the color is mainly light, it is also rich in red, white, yellow, green, black, purple, brown, beige, blue, etc., and its color changes little, suitable for large the use of the area.

1. Kto sme?

We are based in Xiamen, China, started in 2008, sell to Eastern Asia(14.29%), Mid East(14.29%), Oceania(14.29%), Eastern

Európa(14.29%), Južná Amerika(14.29%), Severná Amerika(14.29%), Západná Európa(14.00%). V našej spoločnosti je celkovo približne 501-1000 ľudí


2. Ako môžeme zaručiť kvalitu?

Pred sériovou výrobou je vždy k dispozícii predvýrobná vzorka;

Pred odoslaním vždy vykonajte konečnú kontrolu;

3. Čo si u nás môžete kúpiť?

Žula, Pult, Vanity top, pracovná doska, umývadlo

4. Aké služby môžeme poskytnúť?

Prijaté dodacie podmienky: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW, DDP, DDU;

Akceptovaná mena platby: USD, EUR, CNY;

Accepted Payment Type: T/T, L/C, MoneyGram, Credit Card, PayPal, Western Union, Cash, Escrow;

Jazyk, ktorým hovoríte: angličtina, čínština, japončina, nemčina, francúzština, ruština

Black Galaxy Granite is not just a material but a testament to the cosmic beauty that can be held within natural stone. With its enduring charm, unparalleled durability, and affordable luxury, it’s no surprise that Black Galaxy Granite is a beloved choice for architects, designers, and homeowners alike. Whether used as polished Black Galaxy Granite countertops or Galaxy Granite floor tiles, this celestial stone can elevate any design to cosmic heights.

Chinese Leading Black Galaxy Granite Floor and Wall Tiles Factory-Esta Stone
Chinese Leading Black Galaxy Granite Floor and Wall Tiles Factory-Esta Stone

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