Profesyonel Taş Kesme Boy Fayans ve Tezgah Fabrikası

Giallo California Granit


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Giallo California Granit
Ürün: Giallo California Sarı Granit Levhalar Tezgah Üstü ve Vanity Tops için
Malzeme Granit Giallo Californina
Size: 2400upx1200up,2800upx1600up
Kalınlık: 18,20,30mm
Yüzey: Cilalı
Marka Esta Stone
Uygulama Alanları: Tezgahlar, Vanity Tops, Zemin, Duvar


Brazil Giallo California Yellow Granite Stone For Kitchen Countertops

Giallo California granite is a banded yellow-grey migmatite. This stone internationally may be nominated as a granite and in the area of application of the European Standard, this stone must be nominated as a migmatite. Slabs, Tiles, Skirtings, Window sills, Steps &Riser stairs, Kitchen countertop, Vanity tops, Worktops, columns. Curbstone.

Giallo California Granite is suitable for both interior and exterior use furthermore is frost resistant and with a constant polish. Products: Suitable for construction projects both commercial and domestic, As one of the most specialized manufacturers in providing granite fabrications and designs for commercial, we can make countertops customized and delivered to your job site anywhere in the United States, Canada, and more.

Granit ve Mermer Paketleri

How do you clean granite countertops?

To clean granite, the number one rule is to be gentle. Use warm water and a dish soap mixture. Scrub gently with a soft cloth and rinse thoroughly. Dry the countertop with a soft towel or microfiber cloth. Never use Windex, ammonia, or bleach on granite. Always clean up spills quickly when they occur. 

Some commercial cleaners are okay on granite, but they may break down the seal faster. If you're using a commercial cleaner make sure it's safe for granite. No vinegar-based products, and no citrus. Avoid any abrasive cleaners.

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